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Bitter Lake

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I'd compare the style and quality of presentation to Thunderbirds or Red vs Blue. In both you have absolutely no facial expression, and everything has to hinge on good stories. Speaking of which, unfortunately I feel storytelling was a problem with Bitter Lake. IMHO there was not nearly enough of it. Especially not for epic fantasy. Thunderbirds solved this problem by spending shedloads of money and by taking refuge in audacity. Red vs Blue solved it by focusing on situational comedy, and using a <cough> 'vastly simplified light and sound setup'. At least initially.

For that reason I reguard Bitter Lake as a prototype, albeit a sucessful one. It has as much potential as supermarianation or machinema. There are still teething problems, and it's not quite ready for market, but the basic concept is more than adiquately demonstrated.


--- Quote from: o'wolf on 25.08.2011, 21:41:22 ---
--- Quote from: Cheetah on 25.08.2011, 21:09:19 ---And more sex!
--- End quote ---

Probably a bit impractical, but sax would be possible. As long as it is not yakety.

--- End quote ---

Sax and violins!!!

Would Lord of the rings work good as a movie if it had had only a 10 people team, a micro budget, and less than a year to produce ?
Well, most likely not. You have to have a story that can be told within these limits.

Sponser them with a 10 million budget, and i know for a fact that Shay has the most stunning story in his drawer, waiting to be told.

I loved Bitter Lake, and watched the DVD today, on the beamer with the speakers and subwoofer at a high volume. Too high for a residential area, but why would I care!


As for the Plot, I really, REALLY enjoyed the characters, and I am still ambivalent about the second ending (the one after the end credits), I guess I'd have preferred a living, morally ambiguous king to another 12 years of war and darkness - so it made me feel uneasy, especially since it makes an otherwise bright and sunny scene very dark and ominous.

It does bring closure by rendering the efforts of each and every member of the cast utterly futile - so maybe that's why I enjoyed the movie so much.

I have stated this a few times - the suits look stunning, especially with the colour grading and lighting applied to them. At times I rub my eyes in disbelief - those suits almost look like multi-hundred-thousand dollar CG effects... only better!

Acting & Voices
Very decent acting job even though you guys are amateurs, outstanding filming and postproduction effort. Only on rare occasion is the audio out of sync with the jaws (where can I preorder the remastered director's cut? ... just kidding!), but in general the audio is fantastic and very, very atmospheric. I love Drraer's voice, it fits the character very well... he needs more curses than "hell's bitches" though, that was maybe the only wasted opportunity in the entire movie, where he uses the same curse words two or three times. The narrator and prince Aelric also excelled.

The soundtrack gives me goosebumps. Nuff said... I could listen to it on endless loop.

Perfect for a short movie! Fantastic job there. The scenes and progression is great, not too much exhibition, and not too little.

Actually, an erotic flick without explicit stuff but suggestives scenes that allows one some naughty mental cinema would quiet be the teaser :D

.oO(Eh.. its quite late... I should go to bed and take the thoughts along)


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