Wuff and slurp to all! Is there any furry out there who can give me a remote job, as I spent the past 2 years on interviews only??

No, I can't believe it either! I live in Thessaloniki, Greece (Griechenland) and coming to EF this year (my fourth time), maybe we can discuss about a longer term job too.

I can send you a resume of my experience, but here's more or less what I can do:
- Programming in Delphi or Java. Java is my prefurence, not only as a language, but because I don't use a Windows platform...

(although I may be able to borrow ye olde PC). Small projects please, or parts of large projects, at least as a starter (<-food

- Static web pages with cascading style sheets (CSS), possibly some dynamic ones too using JSP; but I'll have to refresh my memory about the dynamic ones.

- Simple presentations in Macromedia Flash or Powerpoint (actually Open Office). By "simple" I mean it may have simple shapes moving, twisting, fading... also buttons. But no amazing pieces of art.

- Translations: Greek <-> English (i.e either way), possibly even German/French -> Greek/English (i.e. one way; I'll use a translation engine and a dictionary and correct the syntax). But I can not translate TO German/French, because my knowledge of those languages is too small to allow this.
- Data entry. Probably any language that uses latin or greek alphabet. I'll have to find the special characters though (accented, umlaute), as I use an American/Greek key-bored.

I'll suggest a rate of 5 Euros per hour minimum, which should just cover my essential expenses (rent, bills, food, vet... :p). Or we can discuss a per-project rate. Next week I'll start a local part time job, delivering leaflets (advertising material); less than 5 euros per hour there, but it should pay the rent at least.

And I'm seeing into other options, e.g. moving to Athens or abroad, also applying to the civil service (awaiting relevant announcements).
If you can suggest something else, I'll take it into consideration.
Thanks, and I'll bark (<- really!!) to you at EF if you are going!

JUST ADDED) I was thinking that, if I could do something as a favour to a furry, i.e. if you want something to use non-commercially, I could do so. Free of course.

This will give me something to show to employers too.