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Putting your expensive stuff somewhere

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I see that it was already mentioned that there's a staff internal discussion going on. We'll see how it turns out and what service we may offer. It  has to be reliable for the guest and the staff as well. Thing is that the best concept is designed to fail when all our guests want to make use of the service. Thinking about your activities and planning what to take along works best. I.e. leaving the cam on your room when you want to visit the artshow and go to dinner afterwards.

Another thought I'd like to voice is: ask your friend/mate to keep your camera for you. I assume that everyone got some friends running around on EF. So you can just ask your friend/mate to "just take your camera for 10..20 minutes while you're walking though the art show". Vice versa, you can offer the same to your friends. Of course, that doesn't work if you want to watch the art show together.

hm, at Confuzzled this year they had a table at the entrees for the Dealers Den where a security guy sat and watch over the bags/cameras while the attendees looked around in Dealers den.
Maybe a table like this could be something to add?
 Mostly planing has worked for me this year, but understand that something it's too easy.

cheap little lockable boxes from IKEA or something? or boxes over all.
or possibly some kind of cabinet with cloeable doors, really doesn't need to be more then some temporary thing (screwed together from drift-wood xD) or even look good to keep expences down. put some numbertags on some small hooks, paint the number on corresponding spot, and you'll have pretty much the same system as maritim, and easier to survey then an open table space.
could at least work if you keep it to a fixed number of people inside the rooms (maritims problem is that too many people wants to drop it off at the same time), such as you did with the dealers dens, people drop off when going in, and pick up when going out.

short said, as long as it's survayable sqered up spaces, doesn't take up too much space, and is enough for maximum planed number of ppl in the room, it shouldn't be too hard, neither for art show or dealers dens. biggest problem is art auction, too many ppl, but problems are made to be soulved^^


--- Quote from: Wolftale on 06.09.2011, 07:19:24 ---hm, at Confuzzled this year they had a table at the entrees for the Dealers Den where a security guy sat and watch over the bags/cameras while the attendees looked around in Dealers den.
Maybe a table like this could be something to add?
 Mostly planing has worked for me this year, but understand that something it's too easy.

--- End quote ---

Just to add some detail, the way we work these tables at CFz (one in the dealers' den and one in the art show) is to have a member of staff (in our case, security) constantly manning the table.
They give a raffle ticket for each item that someone brings in (camera, camera-phone, bag etc.) to the item's owner and attach the corresponding ticket to item.
The owner is then not allowed to retrieve their item without security first checking that they have the ticket which corresponds to that item.
It's a system that seems to work well at CFz, though that doesn't necessarily mean that it would work for EF, being a much larger con, but if the table idea is one that gets looked at I thought I might as well give as much detail as possible.


--- Quote from: cosmo on 06.09.2011, 10:52:07 ---Just to add some detail, the way we work these tables at CFz (one in the dealers' den and one in the art show) is to have a member of staff (in our case, security) constantly manning the table.
They give a raffle ticket for each item that someone brings in (camera, camera-phone, bag etc.) to the item's owner and attach the corresponding ticket to item.
The owner is then not allowed to retrieve their item without security first checking that they have the ticket which corresponds to that item.
It's a system that seems to work well at CFz, though that doesn't necessarily mean that it would work for EF, being a much larger con, but if the table idea is one that gets looked at I thought I might as well give as much detail as possible.

--- End quote ---

AC Artshow Staff do it the same way, cards with numbers.
They using shelfs to store the goods.
Number ranges are related to ranges at the shelfs to lower search time.


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