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Putting your expensive stuff somewhere

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--- Quote from: Kiantis on 30.08.2011, 12:18:05 ---For the stealing issue, maybe a deterrent, but still.
What about putting one of those small cheap cameras recording 24h what's happening? Eventually in digital format.
And then publish (internally to the con) the recorded file, so that the staff doesn't have to deal with catching people, and leaving that to people?

It's automatic, and no additional work should be required.

(oops, I'm realizing now though how much big that file can become --- maybe just a few hours straight not all the day)

--- End quote ---

No additional work?
I'm sorry but who puts up the video cam, connects it with a storage device (I don't think that you wanna hang an ordinary camcorder there), looks through the footage, maintain it and so on.
It is a lot of work, not counting the legally issues in this which add to it too.
I'd suggest everyone to take their stuff and put into their room/car/reception etc or give it a person you can trust directly.

Oh sorry, I just often come up with crazy ideas, eh eh.

mayby im not seeing it in the same way, but I dont see it as a problem? when I went to the art show I didnt see a pile of 500 cameras piled outside? or any of the shows?

Alot of things it is known and publicised you cant take your cameras in, being it is known, if you want to go there leave it in your room? esp if you know your show starts at a certain time, leave it behind.  You can get it afterwards? If you dont want to leave it behind cant a friend look after it for a short time? or the reception?

In terms of a more permenent soloution perhaps there could be a room dsignated and manned by conops(Just an idea!) whereby same as reception people get given a ticket, your stuff gets taken and stored when you want it back you show your ticket and reclaim your item?

Well seeing people with expensive cameras with a long tele lens I can see you can't simple put it 'somewhere'. And even with the buffers we put in to the time schedule I can understand you would like to shoot some pictures before you enter the art show or auction. Or maybe even you find out to late for a show and have to run all the way back up.

I speak out of line to propose any solutions, I think this is a clear staff thing. Do we want to fix it and how.
For example, the conops office could be a way, but it was already busy this year. Even with 'just' lost & found as well as being an information desk to the con goers. So again, this is a staff thing.

Naturally it takes a bit of planning ahead, but I never really ran into these problems.
I know that if you have accommodation outside the hotel, this could be an issue though.
One solution I have used in some previous year (when I wasn't staying in the hotel), was a backpack.
I could put my camera and some other stuff in there, and that worked reasonably.


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