Eurofurence Information > Programming

Livestreaming (art)

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Pan Hesekiel Shiroi:
You want someone popular, fast and good ... well, why not asking Tani? I'm sure a lot of people would love to see that. Though, on the other hand, I'm pretty sure that she will be busy like hell at EF.
If it wasn't a live stream, that would solve quite a few problems ... but like you said, that would probably be against the original idea of the whole thing ...

I think you your idea would work and it is interesting thought as the art thing, mybe can be like picture in picture with full screen cut in on progress if it would take longer time.

On EF would be many good artists, but lets say you would need to know who is attending the con to locate them and then convince or make arrangement for them to stream  the art.
I think most of them would be quite busy in dealers den, but in evening some of them sit in Artist lounche, where I believe could be a space for record their painting.

In another suggestion is digital artist they could use screen recording software what would be much simple and multiple artist can contribute, and it can be pre-recorded before EF (refering to art in Auction or Art Galerry), what might be wining ticked for EF Prime as if I remember from past BBF had pre-recorded whole sections. There just too many demands to TV team and not mention Con-Ops are the most demanding customer trying you keep inform about changes and important announcements.       


--- Quote from: Snow-wolf on 10.01.2012, 19:32:35 ---@BP: you actually really got a point there :/ Prolly most people interested in watching it would be artists themselves.. unless its REALLY a popular artist. And you could be also right that most of those artistic people will be at the Artist's Lounge in the evening...
But maybe it's possible to not have it that late but put it somewhere as "filler".
Or, which i dont think be possible I guess, set up a tv in the artists lounge... so the people who are anyway there for art can watch it.

--- End quote ---

Hmm just a thought: If you go as far as to set up a TV in the Artists Lounge, you could also set up the camera and the table there aswell. Thus you can invite artists to draw for the stream, most of the artists interested to see something of the kind would be there and the whole thing would be in a creative "live from the lounge" setting.

Like I mentioned, just an idea, I can think of quite a few ramifications speaking against such an endeavour such as technical aspects and the need to monitor the stream, heard the artists and stuff :D



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