Warhammer 40K Tabletop Corner
Starting 19:00 with open end on
Thursday , August 30th
Friday, August 31st
(Optional) Saturday, September 1st
Run by: Ryudar
1x Space Wolves Themed Modular Table with Terrain (Ryudar)
(Not sure) 1x unknown Table (Luckyesel)
Ryudar (German) (Space Wolves + maybe Tyranids)
Nightfirer (German) (Tyranids)
Lord Doener (German) (Tyranids or Space Marines)
Itchigo Icetalons (Netherlands) (Chaos Space Marines)
Tyler (American) (Dark Angels)
Drift (German) (Space Wolves or Orks)
Luckyesel (German) (Unsure)
There is no registration needed to play.
If you don't play Warhammer 40K, but are interested in the hobby, just come over and we'll gladly answer you any questions you have about the gameplay, starting the hobby or miniature paint-works in common.
Original Post:
I already had this idea two years ago at EF16 when I met two guys who brought their WH40K armies to the con, but couldn't find anybody to play.
How about a table top evening / event (maybe even two days?).
Personally, I could bring my own Warhammer 40K army (Space Wolves) and a self-made gaming board (grass with rocky hills and snow) and some experience with the rules and painting jobs.
My questions are:
Is there still space in the schedule for this new event?
Who would attend and bring his/her army along? (For yourself of course, not for someone else)
Who could bring another gaming board (+ Terrain, Ruins etc.)?
How much space could we get for the boards? They're usually 6 plates with around 60x60" inch (so 180x120 inch) which need to be placed on tables.
Is somebody very trusted with the rules and could act as an supporter during the games or while playing yourself? I'm personally only a "beginner" (around 5-7 matches played).
If you're a warhammer (fantasy) or even Lord of the Rings player, would you guide and help the others? (I'm only common with WH40K)
Conclusion: There is only a room + several tables (depening on size) needed.
The cool thing is... very close to the Maritim Hotel (about 3 minutes maybe) there is a store which sells pretty much the same stock as a games workshop. So we could even support people with knowledge about Warhammer if they're interested in starting that hobby. I could event try speaking with the shopowners for some discount.
My own gaming board could be used for 1-8 players. I'd say 8 is maximum because that would mean 500 points per player, which is pretty boring. With more gaming boards, there can be bigger games with higher points.
I'm german, but I think I could explain some things in english as well.
If you can only provide armies with 500 or 750 points, we'll find a way to make that work as well.
So, what do you think?