Hey folks, I'm a bit of a rookie when it comes to Eurofurence, but planning on attending 2007 ( realistically i'll make the 2008, but heres hoping) and theres a few things i'd like to ask. I've read the boards for the past couple of days and everyone seems decent, if I'm asking a question that you're sick of answering or theres a post i've missed, please feel free to point me in the right direction ( i doubt that'll be a problem
1) I tend to lack a fursuit. Yeah, its my major concern at the moment. I've been looking around for places that do good work, but i've not found one that feels "right"
I saw an old thread where someone was asking for links to fursuit makers, but wondered if there might have been some other places that are more recently active / recommended.
2) I'm a newbie. I dont know anyone, and my other concern is i'll be sat like a prune. Does anyone have any hints / tips?
3) Are there any sort of unwritten rules? I read somewhere that talking in costume isnt really the done thing, but its up to you if you do it. Are there many other "rules" like this?
4) Have I made a fool out of myself yet?
Anyway, back to work (yay
look forward to reading your replies (if any)