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unofficial PawPetShow video done - FINAL VERSION

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See here for the final version:
Last year I did a video of the Paw Pet Show ( ).
This year I'd like to do that again but keep the gear much smaller. (Occupy less space in the center way.)
Is anyone willing to handle a small camera to record one of the large video projectors?
It is only required to place it, zoom to the screen and switch it on. Optionally exchange a battery during a break or push two buttons to change the brigthness if it turns out to be way too dark or bright.
Since the projectors are way overhead it should be easily possibe do keep the camera comfortably below eye level and thus not interfere with anyone's experience of the show.
This would not only help to cover displayed video sequences but also unpexpected fursuit actors in the audience and act as a secondary source for audio (last year the chair of the one in front of me squeaked and all microphones where obviously near that chair.).

Myself I'll try my best to have a (smaller then last year) tripod mounted camera covering the full stage in the center way (like many others) and a monopod mounted one in front of me to do closeups. (This time with a better display shade, so people behind me don't see a dimmed down but nonetheless glowing display.)

if the amount of volunteers isn't already too overwhelming: count me in.


Anyone else too?

Main camera rig is prepared. Only has 1/3 of the size it had last year.
Inquiring with security, in case any rules regarding tripods have changed.
Firmware modifications to the cameras are done. Brand new SD cards should
be super reliable and allow for much higher bitrates. Combined with the
modern lenses and much more experience in handling these cameras and
grading/editing the footage we should get a real good Paw Pet Show shortly
after EF. Maybe a sneak preview during EF, if the bandwidth works out.

I could still use another helping hand. Even if only to help grab the tripod
and clear the area asap when the show is over.

If someone has a sharp m4/3 or EOS lenses between 50 and 135mm I could
avoid using an old FD lens on one of the bodies. My old FD ones are quite
soft and suffer from slight purple fringing visible in last years recording.
Or 2 highly directional and good microphones that are smaller then my very
large t.bone em9900 could help to make the rig on the tripod even smaller.

Slightly more then a week left until EF.
Anyone who has some actual experience with videography have comments or hints?
(I just have the gear. Doesn't mean I have reached the point where I'm any good in using it yet.)

as far as I know the picture goes into the glass thingie, and the monitor shows what you may see once you've found he record button and pressed it. don't send anything to chemical development...

just helping :-)



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