Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

unofficial PawPetShow video done - FINAL VERSION

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It is done.
we have a recording of this years Paw Pet Show and the convention is not even over yet.
It is a very basic version labeled as a sneak preview and you can ask Suran at the Dead Dog Party to get it on SD card or USB stick.
It is currently being compressed tighter for upload to YouTube asap.
We used 4 cameras and an additional, dedicated sound recorder and may add footage of 2 additional camera angles in the final version.

stay tuned and have fun at the Dead Dog Party!

Quincy the Raccoon:
I saw you working on that, and I must say: AWESOME CAMERAWORK! Will follow this thread...

(link removed, upload failed)
Sneak preview to a very early version for those who can't wait (and to prove the claim made in the last posting).
Final version will take a few weeks of work.

SunWolf: Not really. I'm just an amateur with a lot still to learn.

Quincy the Raccoon:
This video is still being processed... guess we'll have to wait then...
@ Suran: You're just saying that... I saw you editing and you did a marvellous job. I'm honest in that!  :)

I just got fast in using Final Cut. Not experienced.


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