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EF18 Feedback

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Well it's that time of the year again, Eurofurence has ended and we all walk back into our 'normal' lives.

This year was an amazing experience for me and whilst nothing can top my first convention, which was Eurofurence 16, this year's Eurofurence was absolutely brilliant and I want to thank every single one of you for making it fantastic.

This year I was lucky enough to receive my fursuit as it was sent directly to the Maritim Hotel, I have to thank them for accepting the parcel!, so I was suiting for the first time ever, I was the red/black orca partial that wandered around a few times, I want to thank the folks in the Fursuit lounge who were so accepting and helpful, giving me advice and being so kind to me, it was a whole new strange world to me and whilst I was still very shy and nervous, I didn't feel like an outsider.

Overall my experience this year was very very positive, the only thing I could mention was the Fursuit Photoshoot, now I was lucky to get a slot on the saturday, and the guys who did it were really fun and made the experience memorable, I'll never forget it and I look forward to seeing the results.
But, that day there were 12 slots, I was 11th in line in a queue of possibly 30 people, the kind lady whose name I sadly forget asked if we could come in groups (which I did for my slot, grabbing two friends of mine), but I couldn't help but feel guilty to all those who waited and had to be turned away, but this nice lady said that they're working on it for next year, so I hope that many more suiters can be made happy next year!

Dealers Dens were great this year (yes I queued for three hours that first day), but I can't help but see that one den gets queues and the other remains mostly empty, I can't help what den gets what custom, but when I can walk out of one den and see a massive queue yet just casually stroll into the other one just a minute later, perhaps a balance needs to be struck, I don't know how, it's just an observation from little old me.

Anyways, much thanks to the Eurofurence Staff, I look forward to next year!

Fafnir Kristensen:
(almost) everything was in time!!!!!!
wonderful job from all the EF people to succeed this little marvel!

it may be a detail but I appreciated not having a hundred balloon explosion in the lobby as we had last year, thank you for listening to the forum comments from last year.
though at some point I noticed a giant balloon in the main stage during the bigbluedance, which was, to my opinion, flying dangerously close to the ceiling and the light system and everything, but as it disappeared soon after, I guess the security or staff did something about it before an accident could happen.

all in all, I had another great time at EF, thanks to all the people who made this possible

Here is my humble feedback!

+ Virtually everything was indeed on time, which a welcome change from the previous years!
+ The big blue dance was probably the best one i ever experienced in years, to the point i stayed virtually all night long on the dance floor!
+ A lot of space available in the artshow for people to move around without running into each other, even at the end.
+ The official EF smartphone application was a really nice idea
+ The con ops were really cool with handling overflowing parties
+ The signs on the doors to the stairs, with infos about unreachable areas were very usefull
+ Door knobs in (almost) every door to the stairs were quite an enhancement to be able to avoid elevators

- The fursuit friendly dance didn't seem to have been optimized for fursuit dancing
- Some serious sound issues on the main stage during events
- Not enough space for the dealer's den: there was a queue all day long almost permanently in front of the main one.
- There was a guy who kept wondering with an incomplete fursuit, both in the lobby and the dances, even at the dead dog party: he had a full body on, but instead of a head, he just had sun glasses and a cap with ears on top of them. At first, i thought it was a fursuiter who was cooling off, but it seems it really was his costume, since i never saw him with a real fursuit head on. I know this is highly subjective, but i really found this disturbing and not really pleasant to look at, especially when your gaze switches from a traditionnal fursuit - no matter the quality - to one that's missing the most important part.

The Fursuit Photoshoot was rather disappointing. I queued up, along with a lot of others, since 10:30am on Saturday to then be told, "Sorry, all slots are filled for today", even though no one had actually signed up yet. Might've been easier just to put a sign on the door saying "Filled already, sorry".


--- Quote from: Lightfox on 04.09.2012, 01:58:09 ---- There was a guy who kept wondering with an incomplete fursuit, both in the lobby and the dances, even at the dead dog party: he had a full body on, but instead of a head, he just had sun glasses and a cap with ears on top of them. At first, i thought it was a fursuiter who was cooling off, but it seems it really was his costume, since i never saw him with a real fursuit head on.

--- End quote ---

That would be Yagfox. Judging from previous experience, his opinion of what constitutes a "fursuit" differs somewhat from the mainstream.  ::)


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