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EF18 Feedback

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Jake R:

--- Quote from: Tsanawo on 06.09.2012, 23:33:39 ---You could just ask... ? I dunnow. I'm actually fine with the size of the badges as they are printed now. :)

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That would work if I wasn't so bad with remembering names. Asking a person for the 3rd or 4th time in 1-2 days makes me feel like even more of an ass. =P

Knowing I'm not the only one at the con with this problem (I've heard very many people say the same thing) helps with feeling like less of an ass, but then again, it can also be seen as another reason to indeed increase the size. xD


--- Quote from: Jake R on 06.09.2012, 23:47:43 ---Knowing I'm not the only one at the con with this problem (I've heard very many people say the same thing) helps with feeling like less of an ass, but then again, it can also be seen as another reason to indeed increase the size. xD

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Exactly the same here!

Indigo Icetalons:
I think having names that are easily readable from outside the comfort zone without bending over or sqautting would result in keycards the size of your hand. Not a good idea. That's why most people get a personalized badge up front or in the dealers den.


--- Quote from: Bigwig on 06.09.2012, 23:11:35 ---- Block the traffic when it gets dangerous for suiters! I felt highly alerted in a fursuit with 5 rows of fursuiters behind me possibly not seeing too much
  with a tram driving by with 10 km/h and just half a meter away from me. If necessary stop it and don't try to give way when there is not enough of it.
  It could not have stopped in time if someone would have stumbled due to heat or backpreasure.

--- End quote ---
we are legally not allowed to stop the traffic, the security team and the response team did as much as we could (we even managed to teleport a few times :P) to try and get to the next road in time for the majority of the fursuiters :)

I hope I am not out of place to ask this here, but I have a question (a request rather) for the art show team. I didn't attend in person, but I had an agent handling my art at the con side. I met him yesterday and we talked a bit about how things went for him and I got to know that he had to relocate one of my pictures to another panel because mine got too crowded. Now I don't mind the relocation part as such, I just try really hard to prepare my sent-in art as good as I can to leave my agent with as little work as possible, which also means I prepare my panel at home and try to fit all my art on it. There is just the thing that I keep forgetting that there is of course the supporting wooden frame of the panel on its back that takes away a few cm of usable space.

Would it somehow be possible to measure how big the actually usable panel space is for those who use the panel space provided to the fullest? I know one shouldn't cram the panels _too_ hard but what works on your bedroom floor doesn't necessarily work out in the end in the art show. I just really wish to avoid any trouble for my agents and the art show staff (as I have been told my relocated/ removed picture caused some confusion).

So here is the question if there is any chance to add this bit of information (or maybe just an explicit reminder) in the art show section of the upcoming homepage that there are areas of the panel that can not be used. :) If this is not my place to ask, I apologize!


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