Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Fursuit Friendly Dance

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My feedback:

Starting the dance like this was a safety nightmare.
You never pack fursuiters as tight as possible and you certainly don't tell them to all start dancing in that state.
It is a huge crowd of people with different degrees of disorientation, vision- and motion- impairment dressed in their very best dress for the photo. 
(Suffered major damage to the fursuit and nearly lost my expensive prop twice. Luckily easy to repair as the fur itself was undamaged but no fursuiting for a full day of EF.)
Not giving any commands to the crowd for a full minute after Thalian did his photo also wasn't a good idea.
People start to wonder what the heck they are supposed to do now. There would have been ample time to announce what will happen next and for the crowd to disperse enough, so that everyone has some room to maneuver. Being super carefull about the other people's and your own suit you don't just push your way through a crowd like this the way you would do out of suit in a subway.
This can be improved!
Not every suiter is able or willing to dance but I can imagine only few would miss the opportuinty to be on the official fursuit group photo in their "best dress".

Yes, it was announced that the dance would start rigth after the photo. But it was not made clear that there was no chance in attending the photo without the dance or to not bring any props or suit-parts that could break.

Tried dancing in the partial suit later. Too much base drum again=resonated in the head.
Seemed to be more fog then last year (couldn't see any of the black fursuiters right in front of me despite ample experience with the limited vision including dances.).
Lots of others enjoyed it. So I guess it was okay for the ones with a less limited range of vision.


--- Quote from: Suran on 03.09.2012, 21:39:04 ---You never pack fursuiters as tight as possible and you certainly don't tell them to all start dancing in that state.

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Oh, yes you do ! I totally loved that way of starting the dance, fursuits everywhere ! I was wondering what to do right after the photo, and the music start was a really nice surprise. Please do the same next year !

(On the other hand, this dance didn't last really long, nearly empty two hours after the beginning, because of the music I think, but that's another point).

Edit : already on youtube

I must admit the first hour of kenai's set was pretty much awesome. But as soon as he removed the head of his fursuit (which wasn't that pleasant, I'm not really a fan of fursuiters doing that in public, but that's another debate) and started to actually mix, we quickly gave up trying to dance  on something sounded like a media player randomly switching rythm after a random period of time ranging between 15 and 40 seconds. And if it was impossible to dance for the regular human, i guess it must have been pretty difficult for a fursuiter as well.


--- Quote from: Snarl on 03.09.2012, 22:31:25 ---
(On the other hand, this dance didn't last really long, nearly empty two hours after the beginning, because of the music I think, but that's another point).

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I think that was mostly caused by a miscommunication between EF staff and the hotel, so the doors were kept shut in order to prevent the fog from triggering the fire alert. With the doors closed, it was hard to even notice the music outside, and people were left with the impression that the dance was over. I have to appologize for that.

Fafnir Kristensen:
hum, anybody passing by the doors could clearly hear that music was being played inside.

as Lightfox said, the first hour (or so) was fun and danceable, after that not so much

--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 03.09.2012, 22:47:42 ---
I think that was mostly caused by a miscommunication between EF staff and the hotel, so the doors were kept shut in order to prevent the fog from triggering the fire alert. With the doors closed, it was hard to even notice the music outside, and people were left with the impression that the dance was over. I have to appologize for that.

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