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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Fursuit Friendly Dance  (Read 47430 times)


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #15 on: 04.09.2012, 20:58:43 »


So, I will not allow any musicial style discussions here - it's just the same discussion every year, and it really does not contribute anything constructive. We can't play everyone's favourite music, no matter how honestly and passionately tell us about what YOUR favourite genre is.

So I will moderate this thread, and remove musicial style discussions in order to keep it readable.

I am very interested in hearing more about having the dance start after the photo (how did you feel about it)? Please answers only by people WHO ACTUALLY WERE THERE. "Good thing I wasn't there" is not criticism, but entirely destructive, and I will remove answers like that from now on.

Criticism of sound/light/fog are welcome - but it would help if you could tell us how you liked it IN COMPARISON TO LAST YEAR. Did it get better? Did it get worse? What has changed from your point of view?

« Last Edit: 04.09.2012, 21:02:36 by Cheetah »


Miles T.F. Baxxter

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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #16 on: 04.09.2012, 21:28:07 »

As a casual photographer / filmer, I was pleasantly surprised by the phasing of the group photo into the fursuit dance. You had almost every fursuiter at EF packed together on the dance floor at once, jumping, paws in the air, with no non-fursuiters. It was quite awe inspiring to watch, and made for some pretty good footage. Wouldn't mind if you did it like that next year, too.


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #17 on: 04.09.2012, 21:30:14 »

To start the dance after the photo was a nice idea, but like someone said: It should be told to use the whole room the next time. ^^

The volume of the sound was the one I really like listening to.
The light was find too. But I didn't liked it if that flickering light on the stage was used, it just hurts in my eyes. I'm glad it was rarely used
Even the fog was OK for me. Normally I don't like it because I feel like I can't breath with that around. So I think the amount was just right and not to much. And the fans kept the air moving on the dancing floor, think that helped too ^^


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #18 on: 04.09.2012, 21:32:02 »

Cheetah, the not talking about musical styles and the fact EF staff knows by now what most people love was the first thing I had in mind when I was at the dance. That because it seemed like there was something different than usual.
It seemed to me very different from the past EFs. There was like a big gap between playing the Fursuit Friendly music (old classics and that) to playing Eurodance (hands-up). I think the dance floor was lost due to that gap. Not sure what genre was played, but hope you can review the recordings.
In compression, the panel room dance and the BBF dance was more in style of what I remember from previous years.

The gap was between 2-3 hours long!


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #19 on: 04.09.2012, 21:56:04 »

Mystifur: Sorry if I came across more fatalistic then intendet.
Being a feedback, this was just how it apeared and happend to me from inside the crowd
and getting your fursuit damaged doesn't exactly help to see the positive sides.
(Yes, I know I'm more on the limited and easily-disoriented part of the spectrum. So these things just happen.)
Just one of the many voices giving very subjective feedback in the hope of preventing a safety issue next year.
With a bit more space to move and an announcement it should be perfectly fine.
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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #20 on: 04.09.2012, 22:44:42 »

I liked the idea of the mass of fursuits on the dance floor, looking forward to seeing the video! Didn't find getting out of the dance an issue once it started, though I did stay to dance for a bit.

The only issue was that was that with many fursuiters attending the dance at one point, the lounge was pretty rammed for the first hour or so, but there's no real solution to that, and it was nice to see a lot of suiters dancing all at once! :)

Not having to mess around with the photo before or after the parade was also a bonus! :)


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #21 on: 05.09.2012, 00:15:10 »

Imho, the quality in terms of musical content was better than last year, thanks to the first 1-2 hours, but after that, it just wasn't danceable anymore. And I'm not talking about a matter musical taste here, but simply of rhythm being being constantly broken. We even noticed with a couple friends that kenai didn't seem to check the dancefloor much as he was mixing, which gave us the feeling he was mixing more for himself than the crowd.

Moreover, if there was so much smoke doors had to be closed to prevent smoke detectors from triggering, i think there is a real problem here, since it means there was more of it at the fursuiters friendly dance than the big blue dance. It should have been the opposite.

As for the unauthorized party at the first floor's balcony, maybe there was a reason it got more attention than the main stage.


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #22 on: 05.09.2012, 00:26:19 »

As for the unauthorized party at the first floor's balcony, maybe there was a reason it got more attention than the main stage.

Purely as my private opinion - of course it did attract attention, because that thing was TOO FUCKING LOUD.  >:(

I seriously hope that next year this thing is prevented from the start. Not only was the music carried through the whole airspace of the lobby, but the yelling of the drunken yobs was so loud I could still hear it loud and clear in my 7th floor room with the door closed and the TV turned way up.

Seriously, people. No more C-floor party. That just doesn't work.
I will accept other opinions as long as you all accept that those opinions are wrong.


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #23 on: 05.09.2012, 00:32:36 »

Moreover, if there was so much smoke doors had to be closed to prevent smoke detectors from triggering, i think there is a real problem here, since it means there was more of it at the fursuiters friendly dance than the big blue dance. It should have been the opposite.

Nothing triggered the smoke detectors, and nothing would have. It was just a missunderstanding.
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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #24 on: 05.09.2012, 00:33:10 »

Well I wanted to atend the dance and probebly the music was better and more bearable later on BUT it started with a very LOAD and unbearaeble (to me, even in suite) techno dance thing that was just like a minor war has broken out. Scared me away right after the photo. I dont know what sort off music to espect from a fursuit friendly dance but that was simply just to load, specially since I didnt have earplugs. You should have provided them (as you did with other events that doesnt needed em) before the dance started, and warned for strong music.

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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #25 on: 05.09.2012, 00:34:49 »

I didn't even realise that party on the balcony was unauthorised, I'd been told it was a special invite-only party for some of the British furs. It was a bit loud and rowdy for the lobby either way.


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #26 on: 05.09.2012, 00:37:49 »

Nothing triggered the smoke detectors, and nothing would have. It was just a missunderstanding.

My bad on this one then, i didn't understand that part very well, sorry. But i still got the feeling there was more smoke at the fursuit dance than the big blue dance.

Fafnir Kristensen

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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #27 on: 05.09.2012, 00:39:01 »

then maybe provide an alternate space for such kind of thing?
if it was possible at the Ringberg (though admittedly on sunday), it may be possible at the Maritime?

Seriously, people. No more C-floor party. That just doesn't work.



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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #28 on: 05.09.2012, 00:40:50 »

My opinion concerning the photo being before the dance:

Starting the dance just after the photo had its advantages but also its disadvantages.

+ Was a good idea to do the photo in the main stage room (easier to seperate suiters from non-suiters)
+ Very convenient as you could just start bouncing right after the photo and the atmosphere with so many suiters starting to dance at once was just FANTASTIC.
+ Also loved that it was shot in the evening :P As im not a morning person (and from what i remember last year it was shot pretty early and i was a tiny bit hung over ;D )

- With having ALL the fursuiters starting the dance at once, and I really mean almost all, since everyone having a suit, usually wants his suit on the group photo, you shoot your bolt way too fast. Not everyone is sporty enough to stay on the dancefloor for more than 30min (me neither) and most ppl will only suit once during the evening and then head to shower and change into their ordinary clothes to continue partying.
So for it being the Fursuit Dance... there were almost no fursuiters on the dancefloor and I think that was part of the reason why.

With the photo not being just before the dance some ppl would have suited very early, some later and the number of suiters on the dancefloor would have been more steady.


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Re: Fursuit Friendly Dance
« Reply #29 on: 05.09.2012, 00:45:36 »

then maybe provide an alternate space for such kind of thing?
if it was possible at the Ringberg (though admittedly on sunday), it may be possible at the Maritime?

It's the same issue as with the rock party that has been suggested for years.

Basically, if you fart a melody that sounds similar to anything a German GEMA-listed artist has composed, the German content mafia has got you by the balls.

People didn't seem to be pissed of the night the party happened, so we decided we'd keep an eye on it and let it go as long as it stays like that. But in general, we cannot have parties in public spaces since literally EVERY room that music is being played in needs to be registered.... and paid for.

Fun fact: Anthrocon, a con four times the size of ours, pays a fragment of what we have to pay for loyalty fees.
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