Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Fursuit Lounge (EF18)

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Hai λ:
I have a suggestion regarding the drying problem, let me explain it for the paw and head dryer:
Right now, people use the slots randomly. Sometimes, if they recognize paws or heads dry or being in one place already for very long, they take the liberty to carefully take those off and place them somewhere else to use the drying stand on their own. The problem here is figuring out when something's dry...

What if for each table, there was some kind of clearly visible token, on the drying stand or table, that basically walks around the table? People could put their stuff up for drying and move the token further on in a defined direction around the table. Now, if we make an assumption about the drying load per time, it could very well be possible that once the token walked around the table once, the stuff that is still on the dryer and now at the token is already dry -- So everything that the token passes can be safely taken off, drought out properly.

Of course there remain open questions regarding how it would be handled when there are many suiters putting up their stuff at once, and how to convey it to everyone, but yeah, that's my suggestion.

Sounds like fastfood-restaurant tokens and way over-engeneered.

Problem with that:
- in times of high usage, the token will move quite fast - so things won't be dry when it comes around
- when you remove something - where to put it so that the owner easily  finds it and doesn't have to start searching his parts? I think that is one major question that keeps people from removing things from dryers.

Unfortunately we cannot build something to house 200 Suits (which would be less than half the suits at EF) for we would need an area the size of the main stage for that. We need the cooperation of the suiters!

I am also pondering about the problem of all head dryer full and what todo with dry heads.
We would need somekind of extra space but where ?
Also the problem how to check if a head is dry or still wet...
I have to confess that i am not realy happy by touching into a complete soaked formeign suit heads for checking ;/
Same or worse for other suitparts.
(i mean not only one, it will to check dozzens or hundreds of them over the con)

The FL is NOT a Storage, thats the Rule, because of space and not guarded.
But its not a realy forceable rule.

This was my first real experience with a fursuit lounge, I really enjoyed it, the drying system was interesting but so darned useful, plus the vat of ice water, wonderful!

Though that vat o' green stuff, urgh!

Thanks to everyone who helped maintain it!


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