Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Fursuit Lounge (EF18)

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--- Quote from: Jake R on 04.09.2012, 02:29:25 ---- People taking their (mostly) dry fursuits off the big pipe monsters, so others can use it, instead of using the fursuit lounge as their personal fursuit storage. For reference - the big bodysuit one had room for 56 suits, not counting the coatracks not connected to the blower. That's only about 1/10 of all the suiters at the con, and some have multiple suits. So please, try to remember and share the limited space we have with others.
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I was having a problem with my head's eyes fogging, and there were so many instances where I would loved to put it over the air blower, just for a few minutes, but couldn't, because all the space was taken.

The main problem was having no way of knowing who had just put their fursuit there and who had left it there for hours. I was frightened of removing someone's fursuit head and replacing it with my own for fear of someone having a go at me, or worse, pulling it off the blower and throwing it somewhere while I was elsewhere. >.<

Jake R:
Thanks everyone for the feedback! I'd like to comment on a few points:

--- Quote ---- clocks and con schedules

- guide on how to disinfect your fursuit

- regular washing of the floor / sticky surfaces

--- End quote ---

Clocks were already there, as a new addition! There were 2 very big white ones stuck to the wooden poles of the bodysuit dryers, and one of the visitors took one with him saying "Is it EF yet? Yes!" or something =) Adding some jumbo-prints of the schedule sounds like a good plan, I'll try to remember that!

A guide on how to disinfect your fursuit might be a bit tricker, but as there was apparently a fursuit with a brownish mold already growing in the padding, it might actually be worth it. ^_^'

Regular washing of the floor is probably out of our control, as it is carpet and not a solid surface. I think the hotel won't let us clean it, and I doubt they'll regularly wash it for us. I did however clean the tables in the middle about twice a day with soap, and I tried to at least wipe them clean with wet paper if they were sticky somewhere. I was afraid of cleaning the tables along the edge, as it would mean moving a lot of fursuit parts around, and I was not sure if people would appreciate me doing so. I will try to think of a solution to this, but if anybody has any ideas on how to keep (in particular) the tables on the edges clean, please let me know!

As for all the other points mentioned so far: you are not skipped, nor forgotten - I am reading everything here and will seriously look at all of them. I appreciate all the feedback so far, please keep it going! Together, I'm sure we can further improve the quality of the fursuit lounge =)

The mirrors and the large clocks where a great idea.
It was huge, clean and worked very very well.
Great job!
Walked around a few times to pick up trash like I usually do
when around and not occupied but could hardly find any. ;)

Still the best lounge in the fandom! :)

Giant clocks and mirrors a very welcome addition, and as always the wonder that is large vats of Eurofurence Green! :)

Jake R:

--- Quote from: yagfox on 04.09.2012, 22:39:20 ---Still the best lounge in the fandom! :)

Giant clocks and mirrors a very welcome addition, and as always the wonder that is large vats of Eurofurence Green! :)

--- End quote ---

You might be interested in this post:,3321.msg31662.html#msg31662

Also, thanks for going around and picking up trash, Suran and all others who did so =)


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