Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Fursuit Lounge (EF18)

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Jake R:
It might work, but the path in front of the tables would be narrow and could get crowded easily. Not to mention the big amount of extra boards required (I'm not sure if there are any more available).

I'd rather let this be handled by Mystifur, though - this goes a bit further than speculation on what could be good ideas, and into specific implementations.

The fursuit head drying problem seems to be a problem at every con.  Somebody will build a lovely head drying tree/rack, and people will put their head on there even though they have no intention of returning for many hours (or at the end of the con!).   Maybe a few signs along the row might help?  "1HR MAX / *NOT* FOR STORAGE" ?

The only bit of feedback I can really give on the Fursuit Lounge (as I wasn't able to use it despite being a fursuiter :p) is more to do with security and access to the lounge.

In previous years, I've understood the fursuit badges have always just been a bit of a 'nice' item, more there for people who have a different name for their fursuit to what they have for their main badge/registration, and certainly I've never bothered getting one as my suit just has the same name. Security on the door this year informed me that they were now mandatory to use the fursuit lounge though and that just having a fursuit isn't enough (bit irritating when you've just carried the whole suit over from the overflow hotel with you, but I'll live). Assuming this was correct, it's a fair enough change in policy and understandable to keep the lounge from being overcrowded with non-suiters, but could the specific dependence on the fursuit badges be better communicated in advance next year? I'd not really spotted anything in the pre-release posts on the badges suggesting the increased importance of them this time round, nor does the conbook seem to mention it under either the lounge or reg sections. If the info on what is quite an important rule is better put across next year it could probably avoid some disappointment on the door. :)


--- Quote from: enteirah on 06.09.2012, 08:40:40 ---The only bit of feedback I can really give on the Fursuit Lounge (as I wasn't able to use it despite being a fursuiter :p) is more to do with security and access to the lounge.

In previous years, I've understood the fursuit badges have always just been a bit of a 'nice' item, more there for people who have a different name for their fursuit to what they have for their main badge/registration, and certainly I've never bothered getting one as my suit just has the same name. Security on the door this year informed me that they were now mandatory to use the fursuit lounge though and that just having a fursuit isn't enough (bit irritating when you've just carried the whole suit over from the overflow hotel with you, but I'll live). Assuming this was correct, it's a fair enough change in policy and understandable to keep the lounge from being overcrowded with non-suiters, but could the specific dependence on the fursuit badges be better communicated in advance next year? I'd not really spotted anything in the pre-release posts on the badges suggesting the increased importance of them this time round, nor does the conbook seem to mention it under either the lounge or reg sections. If the info on what is quite an important rule is better put across next year it could probably avoid some disappointment on the door. :)

--- End quote ---

I'd always thought they were mandatory, admittedly this was my 3rd Eurofurence and this was my first time using it, last year when I helped a friend get his suit back to his room, security would only let us in since my friend had a badge with him, but yet, this year I only got asked two maybe three times to show a fursuit badge, it would make a bit more sense if they actually were mandatory since then EF can help keep tabs on those who actually wish to use the lounge, though I only noticed security around there a handful of times, most of the time it seemed like just anyone could walk in.

Fursuit-Badges Though it was stated in the conbook, that the Suiter-Lounge was ment to be entered by suiters and their immediate helpers only, the Fursuit badge was - unlike last year - not mandatory. There were a few misunderstandings in the team though, which lead to the fact that some seccies were actually told that the badge would be mandatory (at least for people entering without suit), but that should have been corrected during the con. We are terribly sorry that this lead to confusion and miscommunication toward suiters.

Guard-Posts Actually we guarded the lounge only part time, since it actually costs a lot of manpower: one slot is one hour, two seccies per slot, 4 days (3 whole days, wed + sun as half day) -> 192 slots during the con - to give you a feeling what this number means: that would be around 2/3 of all other slot during the whole con! So yes - basicly anyone can walk in and there is not much we can do about it - even more so during dances, when there is easy access through the stage.


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