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Suggestion: computer room

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This might have been suggested before, so shoot it down if it has...
While some bring their laptop or tablet to Eurofurence, many of us do not, or don't even own one. I suggest a room with a dozen or so free for use desktops, intended for checking e-mails, etc.
This would also help the problem of slow wi-fi.
At evenings/nights this could become a second game room for LAN-parties (where people who do have laptops can join in). Maybe host a different game each night (minecraft, shooters,...)

We had that at EF8. It was abolished because nobody used it. :D

(and in these enlightened days of BYOD, I see very little use for such a thing, really... since, you said it, everyone has their own laptop these days, and those who don't bring their own can just ask someone else if they're -that- desperate to check their e-mail.)

Me for myself goes to a convention to have some time off from the internet. But that just me. ;)

I can't imagine that anyone would give their private computer for that. There are enough geeks out there who can surround a password to have a peek in the private stuff that's on it?
And I bet Eurofurence doesn't has the budget to buy computers just for that purpose. And where to store them during the rest of the year.


I am generally handicapped when it comes to komputers (too old  ;))the number of smartphones is ever increasing. If you need access, get yourself a cheap used laptop or smartphone and rig it with a german prepaid SIMcard, afaik there's a thread about this around here, too. If you already have one and would like to stay accessible under your regular phone number: there are bluetooth-based dual SIMcard adaptors available that allow you to use 2 SIM on one phone. AFAIk the Maritim sports a business office at whatever price. Last resort: check the environment of the hotel for internet cafés.
I concur with Alpha_ki: the burden of obtaining, updating, maintaining, storing and hauling around of a Komputer network shouldn't be put on the meager shoulders of these hardpartying furs, too ...


The first thing that came to my mind, when i read this topic was a room, which became useless for 99,9% of the con attendees, because a handfull second-life-nerds sieged it all the time.  ;D


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