Well, this`ll be my third. No dealers den table for me this year, but I`m glad to offer up my space for a feew "old" artists returning to the spotlight and give the new ones a fighthing chance. So I suppose it`ll be somewhere between first years, crazed rampage, and last years sales campaign.
So this year, I`m just gonna chill, and show a noob friend of mine, just how freaking awsome this is.
Alreaddy going to two cons prior to EF this year, so I`m warmed up for the main event.
Now to all you first timers out there: picture Disneyland on acid, it`s kinda like that.
To those who know me: Should you find me, at the dancefloor at five oclock in the morning drunk out of my mind and doing the makarena, please slap me and tell me to go to bed, so I can atleast keep some of my dignity.