Joined here recently, basically coming from furaffinity. Thanks to some people and different circumstances, only recently found out who I am (technical term - furry) and why I like the things I do (animals, rewatching Duck Tales, Rescue Rangers etc.). As far as I can remember, I`m this way from childhood. Afterwards, while searching furries activities in Europe (USA to far away to go without bankruptcy

), found out about Eurofurence (and some awesome videos on youtube). Definitely want to come next year, have to collect information and relearn German maybe

Personal question - does Your friends know about your furry "hobby"? As I`m 27y old male and I actually enjoy being a furry and doing the things I like. I know, that for most people furry stuff is some VERY weird activity (similar to anime fans), therefore I`m keeping this information to myself at the moment

. What is Your experience? What Your friends think?
Xenorett from Latvia