Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF19 unofficial Paw Pet Show recording ---- NOW ONLINE!!!

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First review of the complete show nearly done.
A few selected eyes have been given the link to a preview while I'm doing the credits, menu and watching through the show a few more times.
Planned to go public next Tuesday.
(No plan survives first contact with the enemy.)

It's already >>shared privately<< on Youtube for review with menu and scene selection and everything but I'm uploading it again because I made a mistake in the sound settings.
(I noticed some sound artefacts in the opening.)


Quincy the Raccoon:
Good work... only the song of the begintitles sound very canny! (and yes, I have good speakers!) I dunno what happened with it (and I really don't wanna know!) but that won't ruin the fun watching it even further!

I noticed too but there it no effect applied, no change in levels or anything .
just converted to ProRes (FCPX can't do MPEG2),then h. 264 at a very high bitrate for output.
No reply about it when I sent the link for review a week or two ago.


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