It's been a while since I was last able to offer my little key chain fellows, but now it's finally time again!

I'll bring the entire sortiment to the con, including some new additions (older recoloured templates as well as completely new ones!) Now is your chance to pre-order your desired motive, before it's potentially sold out at the con (my stocks are sadly limited at the time being). They are
3,50€ per piece!

Whoever is interested is asked to send me a personal message here. Your order will be binding! I will rely on you guys to fetch your pre-ordered key chain ring the
first day of the Dealers Den (I will be seated in the smaller Den on the leftside wall). You won't have to pay upfront but upon collecting your item. Also pleeeeease try to pay in coins. XD
I also offer a very limited number of
re-colour slots (10 for now, as the time does not allow for more). Those cost
5€ per piece and allow you to modify an already existing template, mainly in colours and a few details in the lineart. Completely new templates will sadly have to wait till after the con. Those slots have to be paid in advance via Paypal.
I will close pre-orders some time Saturday afternoon (European time zone) so I have the rest of the weekend to produce the items.

When there are any questions left, please feel free to ask. I will note down everybody here who has made a pre-order so far.
Regular Slots:Nyx (Guineapig)
DarkKitty (Fennec, Doberman, Bunny Lop)
Zefiro (Dancing Dragon)
Kisu (Black Panther)
The Santa Fox (Red Fox)
Wiebke (Tiger orange)
Jose (Otter)
Wiesel (Tiger white, Black Panther)
Dragony (Dragon lilac)
Ziggy Wolf (Cringer, Badger, Red Fox, Grey Wolf)Re-Colour Slots:1. + 2. Joleii (Racoon & Guinea Pig)
3. Fero (Red Fox)
4. + 5. Raklor (Fox, Sergal)
6. Murphy Fox (Red Fox)P.S. In order for you to have a better idea of how they look like when they're finished, I made this photo of already existing Chibis. The background colours can be changed, if desired.