Yeah, it was awesome, there are like no reasons to complain

The Pawpet show was great and the soundtrack awesome. I loved the underwater scene background *_*
The dance contest had a lot of talented people, hard to decide who was the best. My bad slow camera made a photo when someone was jumping. Funny conicidence xD
And the Fureoke night was damn AWESOME! There is nothing better than the old 70s-90s music and a lot of people singing it! Too bad I missed the beginning because the Fursuit Games were at the same time. I wanted to go back to my hotel when the games were over and just have a short peek what was going up at the fureoke. Yeah.. I stayed till the end xD
Pleas next year at the same time again!
Wow, so many people were at the Parade O_O
Sometimes there was not enough space for th suiter, but it was still funny. But please don't make it longer than 2km. My feet were killing me x_X
The Fursuit Friendly dance was nice. I just missed a mix of some known songs like in the first hour last year. But I'm glad that some songs were remixed or a few played completly without being remixed. Maybe a bit shorter remixes and more differnt songs and it's perfect. At least I stayed..
The Big Blue dance was ok. I didn't stay long, because at 2am there was hey-look-i-have-bass like music. Don't like if it just goes wobwobwob.
It was nice to see some people who love plush like I do at the plush panel

Too bad we didn't have more time to talk. >.<
And remember that big fan in the Fursuit Lounge? Make a room full of them and call it storm-room. It would be heaven xD
And now something regarding my conticket.
Wtf happened to my nickname? Why is "Suicune" missing? Was Starfighter Suicune too long? And who shortened it without giving me an info about it? I didn't see a message about length limitation..
Well, I could have complained about it, but I don't have the nerve to fight with problems when I just want to have fun. And since saturday I think it's kinda funny having a bugged ticket