Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Big thank you to the fursuit team (Also complaints and feedback now ;-) )

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I soon have to get fursuit just to get access to fursuit lounge :D People are talking about EF green and how great the lounge is and how you get to know people there, that I feel I'm missing half of the con :)


--- Quote from: Kamuniak on 02.09.2013, 20:45:47 ---I soon have to get fursuit just to get access to fursuit lounge :D People are talking about EF green and how great the lounge is and how you get to know people there, that I feel I'm missing half of the con :)

--- End quote ---
Sure, we have a whole friggin' party in there :3 And the EF green is just another word for that awesome golf course at our disposal : D
- fursuiters need to relax every now and then ;)
Sorry, I couldn't resist! XD

Again, thanks for both. Saying thank you, and for constructive feedback.
If only everyone was as mindful, our "job" would be even easier :-)

Hm, let's try this.. I'll address one of the mentioned issues, and you, the attending community help us solve it :-)

Situation: Basicaly a fursuit lounge is a changing room with a blower and a water dispenser. ..Ok, Eurofurences lounge is a bit more than that ;-) Some acknowledge that, but most just take it for granted.
So.. first issue:

Febreeze & Sagrotan disinfectent:
Yes, they cost quite some money, and seeing it from this angle, I suddenly realize why people didn't notice they might be free for use. Pointing that out might help, yes.
Last year though I've put all 30 (!!) bottles and cans out, on the tables during the first day. So it was more obvious. The result though, was that 90% of the people just though "oh, there's plenty enough of it" and threw half full cans in the corners, under the tables or took them to their room.

Lotsa visibility: People take it for granted ---vs --- less bottles and people do not notice them any more

Well, I'm sure most of you do like the free extra service, but you now also see my problem.
Could a central "help-yourself-point" help ? it could, if people in masses we not unmindfull.
within 30 minutes the bottles would be everywhere in the lounge, or in private rooms... and almost no one would put them back.

So, dear community, please help solving the first problem.
We have about 20 more of them waiting for you.

Yours, GLaDOS err.. Mystifur.

P.S.: The green is a lie.


--- Quote from: Mystifur on 05.09.2013, 19:29:31 ---Febreeze & Sagrotan disinfectent [...]

--- End quote ---

The key is communication.

I'd say mark the bottles with a big green EF sticker that says "Free for use if you run out! Please keep on the tables in the fursuit lounge!".

When it runs out or people steal them - too bad, can't be helped. But I somehow doubt they will.


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