Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Who was watching EFprime?

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--- Quote from: amee2k on 08.09.2013, 12:15:44 ---There is only one main stage, but there are lots of panels and in particular on friday morning there were several at once that I found sounded interesting. Possibly on a second "educational" channel, that could also be used for relaying external furry-relevant events like furcast on saturday night, or the funday pawpet show on sunday.

And secondly, after all the regular programming is over at the end of the convention, and the stage is mostly deserted after the first clean-up, maybe turn the camera to the other side so it points outside into the lobby (or some other place) where something is still moving?

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The problem with broadcasting panels is that on one hand, they are very specific and usually what we call "Special interest material", which is why we never broadcast them. However, there are also technical aspects:

We only have one channel to broadcast on
We can't wire up the entire hotel so we can broadcast life from the wing opposite of the main stage
We don't have the manpower to run a compley channel like this.

So I'm very sorry, but I don't think this is going to happen anytime soon.

When it comes to the lobby cam: This was a spontaneous idea and since the new hotel again has a completely different layout with completely different opportunities, expect a lot more spontaneous ideas next year. :)


--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 08.09.2013, 13:32:12 ---The problem with broadcasting panels is that on one hand, they are very specific and usually what we call "Special interest material", which is why we never broadcast them. However, there are also technical aspects:

We only have one channel to broadcast on
We can't wire up the entire hotel so we can broadcast life from the wing opposite of the main stage
We don't have the manpower to run a compley channel like this.

--- End quote ---

If there is only one channel available, that makes sense. But I wasn't thinking of broadcasting panels live, that wouldn't allow people to check out things they missed for other concurrent events. I had the idea because I noticed a fair number of cameras at the panels, so I thought people could drop off their footage.

Only if they also drop off their manpower to edit all the stuff, encode and upload / ingest it... while still being at the con, under time pressure of having a broadcast schedule. :)

Honestly, we love to think big, but sometimes we just have to be realistic. :)

I choose "Did not watch it at all" because I only was in the room for rest or sleep.
When I am on a con I want to see the con, thats why I am normaly not in my room . ^^

EF-Prime ran quite all the time ^_^ ... why? ... cause its the the way how its supposed to be *wagwag*
You come in and have nice music and furry stuff filling your room comeing from EF-Prime. (except when i slept xD)

The Music and Program was awesome ... keep it that way!


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