Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Who was watching EFprime?

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James The Dog:
I never got to see the cartoons, as I was always still asleep when they were on :P

   I voted "did not watch it at all" in the survey - but that was because I was at the InterCity Hotel.  Perhaps a few other responders voted the same way, for the same reason, so your results are likely to be skewed a bit to the negative.

   ...Hey, the survey was at the very top of the topic!  Only after reading the other responses and thinking about it, did I realise that the survey really didn't apply to those of us outside the Maritim...

   In the past, I've found EFPrime (and similar offerings at other conventions, such as FCTV at FURther CONfusion in San Jose, California) to be informative and entertaining, and help keep the spirit of the convention alive when all the panels are done for the day, and all that is left are room parties (if you are a "party animal") or the dance (if you are a dancer).  For those of us who are NOT so popular or graceful, it helps.

   I am not all that sure that the RSS Tweet-stream open to any and all comments is such a good idea - particularly since it means a smaller/lower resolution view of the programming in the top of the screen - but all in all, I hope that EFPrime continues; I think that it is worth the effort which someone has put into creating and presenting it, and hope they know that many of us appreciate it!


I was watching it almost whenever i was in the room. But technicaly i had it on for the music mostly (loved it!), and the tweets! ^^
Sadly, when i wanted to watch the Fursuit Gameshow, and the Pawpet Show in my room, the input volume was so low, that when i had my TV's volume to the max, i could hear the static, with the fear that a sudden noise will scare the heck out of me XDDD

At EF, my room is both my home base and my office, and I have EF-Prime running all the time, so whenever I have to go upstairs and work, I would not feel like leaving the con :) Eurofurence is like its own little universe, and I can't imagine turning to any other TV channel from the evil outside universe :)

I did encounter the same problem with the live events, though. I tried to watch "Filth" from my room (where I was busy fixing PPS sound cues from the rehearsal the night before), but I gave up - the audio level was way too low.

EF Prime was a totally awesome idea and I would really love to see that next year again! It was amazing how that added to the feeling of having a perfectly normal furry life for a week! *idly wags tail* Whenever I was at the room (and didn't sleep) I'd turn it on, at least as background music. It was pretty cool to watch what is happening on the stage when I'm just too exhausted to go down myself. And big thumbs up that you were STILL broadcasting on monday morning(!) when I left the hotel room. Is that last camera and the cable modulator the absolutely last box that you guys load on the truck? XD

Without sounding ungrateful, here are two thoughts that I had though. (If that should better go into a different feedback thread, please tell me :3 ) Firstly, maybe I just missed it but how about about showing panel videos, at least of panels that are recorded? There is only one main stage, but there are lots of panels and in particular on friday morning there were several at once that I found sounded interesting. Possibly on a second "educational" channel, that could also be used for relaying external furry-relevant events like furcast on saturday night, or the funday pawpet show on sunday.

And secondly, after all the regular programming is over at the end of the convention, and the stage is mostly deserted after the first clean-up, maybe turn the camera to the other side so it points outside into the lobby (or some other place) where something is still moving?


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