Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF19 Con T-Shirt quality issue?

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--- Quote from: VulpesRex on 12.09.2013, 09:41:40 ---  I had trouble believing this...until I looked, really looked, at the shirts arrayed across the table.  They were all showing that same flawed lettering, precisely duplicated on each and every one, in perfect registry.  This wasn't a flaw in a silkscreen, this was engineered to look like that.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for your story, I am deeply moved, but ... I just told you so, three postings ago. The lettering is not flawed, it was the artists decision to give it a worn-out look.

 (Which is a current fashion trend, by the way. That style may or may be not your thing, it's a matter of taste, I guess. But I can't help being slightly amused by how furries sometimes seem to live in an alternate reality so far removed from normal society that it obviously didn't even occur to some that this might be intentional.)

To me it still looks like a fox erupted or that the paint decided to go elsewhere.

I bought this T-Shirt as a souvenir and it was handed to me in an anonymous darkened plastic bag. I had a first look at it after washing and I thought that this had to be a quality issue rather then artistic freedom.

Some folks do not read the conbook, some do not look to careful at the premium merchandise they buy... please understand that to some, there is reasonable dough about this.

James The Dog:
I never thought for one second it was anything but intentional! Surely the fact that all 3 "a"s and both "i"s have the exact same marks on them is a dead giveaway? It's hardly plausable for washing to damage the same letters in the exact same way!

Well, I think we all got it now ... so I'll declare this topic closed. Have a nice evening :)


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