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EF19 Con T-Shirt quality issue?

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I'm sorry about the shirt quality. Funny enough, these shirts are the same brand like last year, printed by the same company as last year.


Just the text, everything else is fine. And if you look closer -> Hawaii

Same damage on the same letters (i and a)... that's what baffled em  ???

Uhm --- that's no damage. That's part of the design.  m(

Fafnir Kristensen:
thank you sir for offering me a good laugh at the end of an otherwise crappy monday ;)


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 09.09.2013, 18:46:36 ---Uhm --- that's no damage. That's part of the design.  m(

--- End quote ---

   When I returned to my room at the InterCity on Wednesday night, I took a good, hard look at my T-shirt, and discovered that splattered printing.  I thought that perhaps the fabricators had issues with the silk-screening process - which was plausible if they had been made by hand in a garage somewhere, like a lot of tourist T-shirts were - but couldn't square that with the crisp, sharp detail of the actual scene depicted beneath it.

   When I got a chance to step into the Dealers' Den and visit the EF merchandise table, I brought my shirt with me, and asked if I could get it replaced.  I was told that there was nothing wrong with it, that it was intentional.  I had trouble believing this...until I looked, really looked, at the shirts arrayed across the table.  They were all showing that same flawed lettering, precisely duplicated on each and every one, in perfect registry.  This wasn't a flaw in a silkscreen, this was engineered to look like that.

   I'm still not quite sure why; but I do recall seeing "baggies"-style swimming trunks, white with a blue design in a hawaiian motif, done this way some years ago.  Also it suggests the labels on sacks of hawaiian sugar and coffee.


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