I did not played ingress for some time, but for this event i would like to take part.
Whats your plan?
Shal we all just fight for a greener surrounding of the hotel?
And what do you want to do when the area arround the hotel is allready under the controll of the enlightment, during the convention?
What do you plan to do with resistance-furs? Are they not alowed to attend to this event, or shal they even try to counter your plans?
Or do you plan to make some cross-fraction-thing like drawing a picture?
I'm pretty sure, a "fursuiting-cross-faction" event will make it to the ingress report!

By the way:
I could join on both sides. I would choose by the needs of this project.
I started Ingress as a smurf (reached L8), but then i got enlighted and started again from scratch as a frog. I'm now L6 enlighted.
And be shure, i never used the second account for countering some plans.
For me sportsmanship is allways important...