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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
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Author Topic: Do you miss Magdeburg already?  (Read 65271 times)

Quincy the Raccoon

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Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« on: 06.03.2014, 23:35:47 »

Well, I do! Each time I watch my photos from prev years, I feel a bit sad why we had to leave that awesome hotel. Ah the sweet memories we had and all the fun, now it will be all gone...

Oh well... time to start a new chapter in Berlin I guess...
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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #1 on: 07.03.2014, 12:02:33 »

Ah the sweet memories we had and all the fun, now it will be all gone...
Why would the memories be gone? It's not like we forget about the things if we leave the place.

Having a good time depends on people, not on places. The new hotel offers more space for more awesome people.  ;D


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #2 on: 07.03.2014, 23:09:29 »

so many THIS!!


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #3 on: 17.03.2014, 02:36:49 »

I may not have been to Ringberg hotel, but now i understand how ppl felt when they left Ringberg.
For me, after being to EF since EF16, and all the way up to EF19 for four consecutive years in Maritim, it does feel sad when you have to leave a place where many things happened, memories and such, and i realy started to get used to this place :)
But i personaly think that despite the "everything that has a beginning, has an end" saying, well in this case i say whatever has end, has a beginning too :)

New places to discover, new experience, and many other new..."new" awaits us :3


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #4 on: 17.03.2014, 14:33:06 »

Since the beginning of the concept of Eurofurence it has shifted from location to location depending on the requirements to accommodate specific needs such as an increased attendee capacity.

Will I personally miss Magdeburg?
I'm not sure. Reminiscing about the location certainly will continue to happen, but I'm not sure if it will involve 'wishing we could go back' to that location.
After all, the Estrel hotel will be a downright huge upgrade!

Besides, according to vulpine logic, bigger usually means better. ;)

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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #5 on: 17.03.2014, 17:10:57 »

I will surely miss the big atrium. It gave me the feeling of connected-ness and watching the whole con. I also did totally enjoy hearing the constant mumbling, which was a sure sign the con was alive. (Never bothered me sleeping-wise, actually I already missed it when I wasn't in the Atrium at EF19)



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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #6 on: 25.03.2014, 10:30:59 »

By the way: Magdeburg seems to miss us.

We went there for a small fursuit outing in december, and again last weekend. Both times, many people approached us and said they missed us and wished we could all come back next summer. It is heartwarming to hear such things. People keep telling us how much they loved the creativity and friendliness of the furries. Many even say they want to come to Berlin and watch the fursuit parade.


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #7 on: 25.03.2014, 13:02:15 »

By the way: Magdeburg seems to miss us.

We went there for a small fursuit outing in december, and again last weekend. Both times, many people approached us and said they missed us and wished we could all come back next summer. It is heartwarming to hear such things. People keep telling us how much they loved the creativity and friendliness of the furries. Many even say they want to come to Berlin and watch the fursuit parade.

Awww, this is really nice to hear. :) Well, by car the distance between Berlin-Magedeburg is 1,5 hrs. Who knows if some suiters are flash mobbing in Magdeburg during or after EF??  ::)


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #8 on: 25.03.2014, 18:02:43 »

I'm not yet sure but I *might* continue my tradition of visiting the Ringberg hotel after the con. As Uncle Kage said, the employee turnover is causing less known faces to show up there, but the family of the Crazy Horse still remembers us fondly :D - they did recognize me immediately last year.

I doubt if I will extend that to Magdeburg though... it would get expensive and loooong to add another location to the tradition every time we have to "trade places" and it would be like an Alice in Wonderland game :P


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #9 on: 28.03.2014, 15:17:07 »

I'll mostly miss all the different cheap yet very good chinese places to eat ;)


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #10 on: 29.03.2014, 05:59:04 »

   I was only able to attend the last EF held at the Ringberg, but that was enough to leave me with fond memories - particularly of the late-nights sitting around the fire pit.

   It's funny - but at a certain size, when everything just feels "cozy", a certain "Critical Mass" is reached; and either adding OR subtracting people would lead to a diminishment  of the experience, and the memories of the event grab your soul and color how you look back on it...probably distorting it, but for the better.  It was never really as good as you remembered it, and any organised or controlled attempt to duplicate the experience leads only to frustration and disappointment.

   As to Magdeburg - I shall miss the Maritim Atrium (sooo much like a Cathedral), and the Maritim Burgers, and the snackpoints with the Currywurst and Bratwursts and sandwiches, and the Bierkart, and of course the Bar and our special drinks.  I'll miss the many Pizza places close by, the walks to the old Dom (I listened to an organ recital on Sunday of the first year we were there), and to the cafes about eight blocks to the south of the hotel, for nightlife.  I'll miss the total convenience of the train station being so close, and of the Kaufland Market being even closer, and by our last year, feeling that I could walk into this market in total confidence like I actually was entitled to shop there, and not feel like a lost foreigner.

   I missed the Fursuit Parade this last year (I stayed behind for the Art Show closing), but I did follow the fursuit "flashmob" to the shopping mall on Wednesday - and was particularly struck by the reception which we received, and how so many passersby and shoppers got into the spirit of the thing, and had a good time.  It felt really good to see, and I'm glad I was there for that.  I'm certain that most of the mall patrons will long remember that day, too.
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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #11 on: 29.03.2014, 09:56:07 »

I'm going to miss Magdeburg because of it's perfect location. The hotel in itself was very nice, and I loved the main hall with the disco ball, and how you could just listen to the crowd downstairs. Of course, I'll miss all the restaurants who served delicious food and deserts, and those who were excited to have us back. The fact that people seem to be so accepting and happy to have us there, made suiting around feel both welcome and safe.

I'm going to miss it for sure, but it's also going to be exciting to check out the new hotel and see how it's layout works out. Maybe not as good a location as the Maritim, but maybe it has something else to offer us :)
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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #12 on: 08.04.2014, 09:58:51 »

It's great so see how Magdeburg has grown on so many people here. But it's also a bit amusing, because the first reviews when we moved there in 2010 were everything BUT positive. The city was perceived as ugly and unfriendly, the hotel looked like the prison. The drinks were terrible and totally unaffordable.  But did all that matter in the end? No. We got used to it, and we learned to appreciate all the good things, and we even got a bit attached to them. And the biggest surprise: Not only did we end up liking the city ... the people of Magdeburg actually began to like US!

I am totally expecting to see a similar pattern in our first year in Berlin. People will see that the beer prices are higher than in Magdeburg. People will find every single drawback of the new hotel, and post them here on the forum in glorious detail. The water pressure of people's showers will drop when 1900 furries flush their toilets simulaneously. People will be late for breakfast and complain abot the opening times. A waiter will serve the wrong drink. A rommaid will accidently throw away something that wasn't supposed to be trash. People will dislike the architecture, maybe the front desk will be overwhelmed on the first day, at least one fursuiter will accidently step into the fountain in the lobby. If he's from the UK, he will raise HELL because of it :)

All that is expected. But in Berlin, too, once we got over all the little annoying things of the new place, we will discover the many ways in which it is totally awesome. We're just afraid of change, and that changes our perception. It's normal :)

« Last Edit: 08.04.2014, 10:02:23 by Cheetah »


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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #13 on: 30.04.2014, 23:33:01 »

In my first 2 EFs i went to (EF18 & EF19) The Magdeburg location and the Maritim in my humble opinion were quite nice!

EF was comftable there for 3 to 4 years and as things were getting good for us as in reputation, we outgrown it and had to move... -_-

It's a real shame but EF had to move on to make the con bigger and i will really miss Magdeburg...

I can't wait to go to Berlin, it's gonna be epic! :D

Quincy the Raccoon

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Re: Do you miss Magdeburg already?
« Reply #14 on: 04.05.2014, 11:21:25 »

Not only did we end up liking the city ... the people of Magdeburg actually began to like US!

...SO why change? Ain't it like: Never change a winning team? WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3
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