Hi, my nick it's Toon, a mexican furry some of you might knew at the 13th and 14th Eurofurence, friend of Ashley, Shiro, Tank and some other furries from europe.
The matter of this post it's about ask all you sincerelly the image mexican furries have within the rest of the furfandom arround the world; this comes to my mind 'coz some friends had told me worriyng things about mexican furry fandom. Some people that are using our fandon as a dating service, call themself furries, but they doesnt seem to understand the meannings or at least the basis of the furfandom.
I worry for the younger mexican furries, I worry they become tagged as something they are not, at least before enter the fandom and being dragged into the yiff side of the fandom (yiff isnt bad, if you choose to do it with your partner of being responsible).
So, in order to have more info at my reach, just want to make you all, my friends, a single question:
Which is the general concept, all the furries from arround the world, have about Mexican Furries? in general
Forethanks for all your answers, and dont worry about answer what ever you feel or have in mind guys, indeed that whould help me a lot ;3
- Toon-CA7