Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF20 feedback

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--- Quote from: Kinase on 26.08.2014, 22:28:51 ---Security: Flawless, thanks a lot!

Regarding security and Fursuit lounge, there's a small problem I've noticed. There were people carrying inside the lounge cameras and videocameras, especially gopros, and taking videos inside the lounge as well. I know it's not easy to notice that and check on everybody, but i'd like to let you know this happened.

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Thanks for the compliment :)

Regarding videoing in the fursuit lounge, we do try and stop cameras going in but if anyone sees it happening, come and speak to one of the security personnel at the entrance to the lounge, and we'll have a little word with them...

Dhary Montecore:

--- Quote from: Kinase on 26.08.2014, 22:28:51 ---Security: Flawless, thanks a lot!

Regarding security and Fursuit lounge, there's a small problem I've noticed. There were people carrying inside the lounge cameras and videocameras, especially gopros, and taking videos inside the lounge as well. I know it's not easy to notice that and check on everybody, but i'd like to let you know this happened.

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Thank you a lot for your feedback! We are already working on a solution to keep you even safer inside the headless area. :3


--- Quote from: Jorinda on 26.08.2014, 10:16:46 ---Fursuit Game Show
Nice creative games.
On the other hand... nice "creative" system of giving the points? I wasn't the only one who failed to understand how the points for the games were calculated. (Well, I won't complain, since my friends won, but still it seemed a bit illogical.)

The moderator seemed to be a bit confused and sometimes misinformed. He announced the winners, and then saw that there were more games to come. I don't know what happened there.
During the "How did this victim die?" game, some of the images were not shown on the screen.

All in all, the games were fun to watch, but lacked information for the audience at some points.

edit: One thing I really disliked: The charity thing in the pre-Games. I was in one of the last teams, and when we came to the lobby with the charity box, everyone greeted us with "Not again, I was asked for money 15 times in a row now." Annoying people isn't a great idea for charity.

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The points awarded to each round are carefully crafted to avoid any tie at the end. Which is why they are uneven. Also games with more teams score more points... explaining that would have taken a tad bit too long, but we take your input and try to find a solution that is simple and works.

At least one time Aeto (the M.C.) turned to the wrong cue card... also noted, yes, that needs fixing.

The images not showing on the screen were technical difficulties - that's all I currently know about that.

Allow me a few comments about the charity game:
1.: it's completely optional. If your score with the other games is high enough, it doesn't do much to begin with.
2.: We had a cue because I don't want more than two teams collecting at any given time for the exact reason you mentioned.
3.: The teams collected over a time period of three hours... who spent three hours at the bar without moving? We assume that most people will pass through the lobby and get asked once or twice at the most.
4.: Along the same lines you would expect the amount of money to decline as time went by... but that isn't as it turned out in any year we did that game: the amount goes up and down without any recognizable pattern. I remember the hightest collected amount to be within the last few teams at least twice.

Still, thank you (and all the others) for participating and collecting 766 Euro for charity!


--- Quote from: Atkelar on 26.08.2014, 23:12:55 ---Still, thank you (and all the others) for participating and collecting 766 Euro for charity!

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On that note I am wondering how much we will get in total this year and if it will be an as big amount as last year :-3

I have no complaints somebody else didn't mention yet. Yes, the elevators were slow (the famous wing 2, floor 13 m(), yes, there where delays, yes, the main stage is too small, yes, the lobby was crowded, yes, Estrel's bars and restaurants are expensive … I'd just like to emphasize that the con still was fun and enjoyable for me. I will attend next year if possible. Thank you for your effort @EF team (except Dingo, he was SO mean to me  :P )

- Lantha


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