Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback for the Conbook

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It was GREAT, this was my first eurofurence and if I was ever in doubt of anything other than the time table (looking at you pawpet show), i looked in the conbook and if that couldnt help (Again time table) i asked around.

Cant find a way to improove it, it worked and everything i could have wanted was in it.

As part of the conbook team I am just stunned by the positive feedback! It was a great pleasure to work with you guys and gals. ;D

And YES, Gyro, there was a conbook, next year you get a special audio version! 8D

AND thanks to all for the critique - there is always room for more and we put it down to a list so we can improve for next year. :)

The conbook was really well-done, useful and pretty. You've done an impressive job, guys!

I can't even think of minor complaints, really. Which rarely happens. Two paw-thumbs up!

The Conbook this year was really great, but there's one minor design decision that bothered me:

The font-color on pages 36, 58, 60 and 64 really made the headlines barely visible, especially under low light.
Also, pages 48-57 were a bit hard to read.

Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the Conbook and the art in it.  :)
Especially the 3D-model of the hotel was a very good idea!

Did anyone get the answers to the CSI game? I found a few of the chalk outlines, but no idea who they were, except for one that I think might've been Ollie Canal, but I'm just guessing.


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