Eurofurence Information > Feedback

The problem of Cigarette smoke

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Hey! So in this topic, i would like to put into light one problem that i felt was too present in some areas of the hotel: cigarette smoke!

I know many furs are smokers (and it's their right), but this year I had a bigger problem with it: beyond the fact that the hotel's main entrance is totally unreachable in suit if you don't want to end up with a stinking smell in your fur (like every year, but i can live with it, people have to smoke *somewhere*), there were other areas where the problem existed:

* In front of the secondary dancefloor (where 80's dance and dead dog party took place), the door were permanently opened, and smoke kept pouring inside the building. This was was really annoying, since:
* The fursuit lounge was nearby. (and even closer for the dead dog party)
* The area was next the rooms with dances: one had to go through there to/from the dancefloor, and it's not really pleasant to smell cigarette smoke as soon as you try to take a breather.
* The balcony next to the fursuit lounge also sometimes had smokers, and this is the most unacceptable place in the con to smoke imho.
Just as out of courtesy for fursuiters who do care about the smell on their fursuit, my suggestions would be:

* Forbidding smoking anywhere near the fursuit lounge, especially its balcony.
* At the very least closing the doors of the building to prevent smoke from entering
* Asking people who smoke to gather only in specific areas, e.g. the front of the hotel's entrance. (I don't have high hopes about this one)

James The Dog:
Had the issue myself waiting for the pawpet show with people smoking in and next to the queue- you really can't move away from it there, and if I left the queue, then I've lost my space. Also the group photo, which I did in fursuit- while waiting for the photo I had to take my head off, which I don't really like doing in public, because people smoking around me which was filling up the inside of my fursuit head- which isn't pleasant.

You explain it with all the corect words! That will be nice for next year, I will apreciate it too as a fursuiter!

A quick question from one nonsmoking Fur to the others: How about these electric Smokes? I can handle these much better because the smell is way more less heavy than the cigarette one and vanishes more quickly (anyway i can understand that people still have a problem with a smoker right next to them).

Lets face it, it isn't a problem with the Hotel or Conops in my onion, but again people shutting down their brains. To my knowledge the whole Hotel was a smoke free Zone, so the smoking is only allowed outside the building. Here starts the problem: for me personally the Hotelzone should include the entrance too so Fursuiters and nonsmokers can wave at cabs and socialize in "fresh" air. On the other hand, banning peoples that i like from the entrance because they smoke is something i wouldn't like. And I think this is exactly the point where good meanings clashes each others!
If I where a smoker, i didn't would go down the stairs as well, because it feels getting cut of from all the fun, but need to smoke too on one side on the other one the "I don't want to annoy everyone" feeling.

My suggestion would be following: as there are at least three entrances to the hotel, open at least one for the smokers so they can smoke there and aren't that cut of from the fun, but also make it clear (and force it when one again sits on his ears) that smoking is only allowed there PLUS that these Door will lead you right into this Zone, so Suiters could avoid it.

As for the smaller Dance Stage: i think it where because of the Foggenerator thingy and i simply hope that this will change when we get other or bigger Sig rooms.

Well, the hotel HAS a smoker lounge at the -1 floor. When you go down the wide stairs in the lobby and then turn left. But it was closed due to renovation. So I'm sure next year it will be open again.


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