Eurofurence Information > Feedback

The problem of Cigarette smoke

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It was bad timing that the smoker's lounge was closed for repairs. I am sure the situation will improve once we have that location in place.
I usually don't mind smokers outdoors, because I can avoid them. This isn't true for situations like queuing. It should be emphasized that there is absolutely no smoking while you are standing in a queue, no matter if indoors or outdoors. Because the people next to you can't just move out of the way without giving up their spot. Also it should be avoided to let any queue go past a space that pretty much is the smoking area of the con.

I never had any issues with e-cigarettes. There is only a faint smell and that is usually a pleasant one to me - like a friend of mine using woodruff liquid in his vaporizer. Personally, I'd like to see more smokers switch to those - at the very least for the time they attend public events. Makes it much more enjoyable to hang around my smoking friends. ;)   

Since we were not the only guests at the hotel, rules about smoking or non-smoking areas cannot be easily changed. But I do agree, that people should be a little bit more respectful and take it a few steps further away from the entrance area. Maybe a smoker reading this might be so kind next year. :-)

Best wishes,

As a smoker i would like to put my own opinion here, every time i went outside for a smoke in the designated smoking area it was always filled with suiters and non smokers, so i had to stand at either side of the entrance so i didn't accidentally burn any suiter and that i was out the way of them so i couldn't be blamed for making there suits smell even if people was still smoking right next to them, us smokers have really little choice on where we can smoke and I do appreciate people who don't smoke you don't want us around you, but you can easily sit inside with that beer, you can easily move somewhere with more room for you to relax in, us smokers do not have this privilege we are herded into small areas with some not having a roof or somewhere to sit and relax and for once it was nice to have a big area to smoke in which was undercover, but even when we smoke were we should we still get moaned at for this and its not just at a con its everywhere.

smokers are given a small area to smoke in, we have to adapt and move around, so if we have to adapt to what we are given surely you can too by using another gathering area? yes ok its the main entrance and its the best place to meet up with friends but its still the designated smoking area, non smokers have a massive hotel to gather in and relax and move about we are given two places in which we can use yet you want us to go elsewhere.

As for next year i do hope the smoking lounge is open so we can go in there, but as for the main entrance by the stairs this will always be a smoking area so if your in suit and you don't want to smell of smoke please don't hang around this area especially as the road is well used and suiters are really dangerous and same for the other one by the doors near where the dead dog party is, but to improve on what has happened this year we can ask for the doors down the bottom to be kept closed and not wedged open like they were to stop the smoke drifting in, as for the fursuit lounge the balcony is another smoking area but i don't know if there was any rules saying if it can be used as such, this area is ideal for suiters who smoke so they don't have to get dressed to go outside and then come back in, maby next year if the lounge is in the same place we could as the fursuit team to only keep one door open but with a fan pointing outwards to stop the blow back from the smoke?

Anyway this is my personal rant about it.


--- Quote from: Token on 29.08.2014, 15:35:10 ---Since we were not the only guests at the hotel, rules about smoking or non-smoking areas cannot be easily changed. But I do agree, that people should be a little bit more respectful and take it a few steps further away from the entrance area. Maybe a smoker reading this might be so kind next year. :-)

Best wishes,

--- End quote ---

Hopefully next year, we will have the hotel 100%, and we will be the only guests at the hotel?
I can hope!

Anyway, I really find it annoying when people use e-cigs in non-smoking areas. The e-cig still produces smoke that still causes problem for asthmatics like me and should not be used anywhere that smoking generally isn't allowed. Especially the rude people who blow smoke in other people's face.

Technically, e-cig produce steam.
The same thing you  inhale when leaning over a cup of tea, or inside your shower.
It isn't smoke *per se*.

I'm a 120% non smoker and i rather indeed have all people smoke e-cigs than regular cigarettes..

More than once i thought "eh it smells good in here" and looked for a source of it... to find a e-smoker not too far...


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