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The problem of Cigarette smoke

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Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: Cookie on 01.09.2014, 16:27:39 ---Technically, e-cig produce steam.

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theoretically yes
practically some e-cig I have seen produce more than just steam, seeing the massive smoke produced, more thick than it should be and not disappearing as quickly as it should, maybe because of some weird mix people put into it :/


--- Quote from: Ginge on 31.08.2014, 01:23:35 ---[...] but even when we smoke were we should we still get moaned at for this and its not just at a con its everywhere.

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You say this like it's unfair. Do you really need to be reminded why it's not? Every smoker has heard it a millions times already.

--- Quote from: Ginge on 31.08.2014, 01:23:35 ---[...]smokers are given a small area to smoke in, we have to adapt and move around, so if we have to adapt to what we are given surely you can too by using another gathering area? yes ok its the main entrance and its the best place to meet up with friends but its still the designated smoking area, non smokers have a massive hotel to gather in and relax and move about we are given two places in which we can use yet you want us to go elsewhere.

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As far as I'm concerned, even though it annoys me (both in and out of suit really), sacrificing the main entrance to smoker is something i'm completely okay with. They have to smoke *somewhere*.

--- Quote from: Ginge on 31.08.2014, 01:23:35 ---[...] for the other one by the doors near where the dead dog party is, but to improve on what has happened this year we can ask for the doors down the bottom to be kept closed and not wedged open like they were to stop the smoke drifting in [...]

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I don't really ask for more than this, really. But i'm not sure that would be enough to prevent the smoke from getting in, unless the doors are permanently sealed (since just entering and leaving a smoked area will always let some smoke in), which probably won't happen.

--- Quote from: Ginge on 31.08.2014, 01:23:35 ---[...]as for the fursuit lounge the balcony is another smoking area but i don't know if there was any rules saying if it can be used as such, this area is ideal for suiters who smoke so they don't have to get dressed to go outside and then come back in, maby next year if the lounge is in the same place we could as the fursuit team to only keep one door open but with a fan pointing outwards to stop the blow back from the smoke?

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I'll admit it was only a problem if you stepped outside, i was never bothered by smoke directly inside the fursuit lounge. But I don't like to have the risk of having smoke that can potentially enter the lounge at any time because some people don't care.

I had 2 cigarette hole in my fursuit :|

About e-cigarettes:
The liquid that is vaporized in an e-cig is a mixture of propyleneglycol, glycerine and water. Additionally, there are flavorings and nicotine. The base liquid is very much comparable to the fluid used in the smoke machines which are used on the stage, and at the dances. These fluids are often flavoured as well, so the only difference in the end is the nicotine content. The same base ingredients (Propyleneglycol, Glycerine, Water) are also used in medical inhalers to treat lung diseases like asthma and bronchitis. So, in general it can be said that if you don't react to disco fog, you shouldn't react to e-cig smoke as well. There is still a very slight chance that you'd react to the specific flavoring used, but you run the same risk when you eat ice cream - all flavours used in e-cig liquid are food grade, and are also used by the food industry. I'd also like to point out that any residue left behind by the fog on surfaces (such as a piece of synthetic fur, for example) are water-soluble and will wash out easily with cold water.

I summarize: E-cigs are basically miniaturized disco fog machines that also may contain nicotine. They use materials that have been proven to be harmless for human consumption. They do NOT produce any kind of smoke whatsoever, they produce vapor and fog.


Dhary Montecore:

--- Quote from: Akeela on 04.09.2014, 13:11:40 ---About e-cigarettes:
The liquid that is vaporized in an e-cig is a mixture of propyleneglycol, glycerine and water. Additionally, there are flavorings and nicotine. The base liquid is very much comparable to the fluid used in the smoke machines which are used on the stage, and at the dances. These fluids are often flavoured as well, so the only difference in the end is the nicotine content. The same base ingredients (Propyleneglycol, Glycerine, Water) are also used in medical inhalers to treat lung diseases like asthma and bronchitis. So, in general it can be said that if you don't react to disco fog, you shouldn't react to e-cig smoke as well. There is still a very slight chance that you'd react to the specific flavoring used, but you run the same risk when you eat ice cream - all flavours used in e-cig liquid are food grade, and are also used by the food industry. I'd also like to point out that any residue left behind by the fog on surfaces (such as a piece of synthetic fur, for example) are water-soluble and will wash out easily with cold water.

I summarize: E-cigs are basically miniaturized disco fog machines that also may contain nicotine. They use materials that have been proven to be harmless for human consumption. They do NOT produce any kind of smoke whatsoever, they produce vapor and fog.


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Addition: If the owner isn't stupid enough to buy his liquids from some shady internet shop or (yes, happens a lot lately) mixes the stuff himself, putting godknowswhat in it. Yes, I hate smokers and I very much dislike e-cigs as well, but in direct comparison the e-cigs are obviously the better choice. Still personally I'd feel like a invalid running around with an inhaler. :3


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