Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Video: 20 years of Eurofurence

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Sooo, around 1.5 months before I remembered that amazing Video that BBF put together for the closing ceremonies of EF15. Summing up the past 3 years at the Ringberg, it managed to make quite a few people, including me, cry.  :)

I thought it would be a cool idea to have a video similar to that at EF20, and since everyone was way too busy and there wasn't time I tried doing it myself, with barely and video-cutting knowledge and not a lot of time. You might have seen it at the opening ceremonies, but if you didn't and want to watch again, here's a private link:

I only posted it in the Staff forum for now because I'm not sure about the permissions.. I have footage from about 100 different people, and since this was extremely last-minute, there was no time to ask everyone (and finding out how to contact some people who took photos 15+ years ago would also be hard). Anyway, what's your thought on posting this in the regular forum (still with an unlisted youtube link maybe)

Mstr f Dstrctn:
Great! :')

Thank you for making this, Karpour :)

Watching the video at the Opening Ceremonies really gave me goose bumps!

Excellent piece of work, Karpour, 2 thumbs up! It made my eyes water during the opening ceremony - thankfully I was wearing my suit ;)

Thank you for taking the time and effort to make this. I enjoyed it on the big screens during the opening, and I enjoyed watching it again.  8)


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