Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Video: 20 years of Eurofurence

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The video was awesome! Thank you so much for providing this!

The Video was really awesome! ^^
It was to see at pictures again i did select for the panel in the ArtShow.

I really like it, thank you for your passionated work! ;)

That video really took me by surprise, and I had to shed a tear or two during the opening ceremonies. Though I have been with you for only three years now, the symbolic of looking back, remembering the good times we had is clearly visible. Also it is serves as a reminder to all us, not to forget to keep making good memories, and make the most of con ahead of us. Well, at least that was how I felt when it was played in the main stage.

Great work, with passion. Thumbs up!

Additional question on that point:
Is this video only meant to be shared on Youtube or may we download it somewhere?  :)


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