Eurofurence Information > Feedback

General feedback/questions about Parades (and Music)

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--- Quote from: BluePaw on 06.09.2014, 18:58:02 ---could maybe use those cellphone AM/FM-transmitters and just stream from con-ops or some other place through 3G/4G nets?
that would give all the receivers the same music at the same time?

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Yeah I was thinking about these, too. Still it'd need to have several FM receivers plus I think the transmitters (at least those that are legal in Germany) have a very limited reach.

Alternatively we find a local broadcasting station playing "our" music. I once saw this in Munich, when they set up a "radio ballett" with MANY people having small FM receivers with earplugs, and performed a public dance coordinated by that (local/noncommercial) radio station. This would mean "100% coverage" for the parade AND the whole city, too LOL - but receivers easy to set up (every FM boombox would work).

Also a WiFi transmission could work (e.g. AirPlay - well sync'ed, >100m reach in the field with no walls etc., loss of signal would not lead to unsync'd playing, but dropouts. It only would need a proper power supply, so more difficult to construct (battery + AirPlay device + speakers in a wheeler bag, ok a bike, etc. - lots of planning, creating, and carrying these during a parade).

Or it could just be a few (4-5) boomboxes at medium volume, separated from each other with enough distance so they interfere only a little. Think about (e.g. pride) parades where they have many floats, every second playing loud music and in the "mixing area" there are not so many ppl. I wish Disney could borrow us their close-to-perfection system of well sync'd mobile and fixed speakers with perfectly choreographed music mixes *hehe*

Lots of time to think about a doable solution, but I like that this idea already exists!

Cubitus ●●●●


--- Quote from: Cubitus on 06.09.2014, 19:29:35 ---Or it could just be a few (4-5) boomboxes at medium volume, separated from each other with enough distance so they interfere only a little. Think about (e.g. pride) parades where they have many floats, every second playing loud music and in the "mixing area" there are not so many ppl. I wish Disney could borrow us their close-to-perfection system of well sync'd mobile and fixed speakers with perfectly choreographed music mixes *hehe*

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Just a quick reminder: the way the parade moves is not as organized as Disney(tm/R/c) parades. Its movement can be closely compared to that of an earthworm: parts contract, others stretch out. So the distance between mobile speakers would hardly ever be the same. In my opinion the best bet would be stationary systems - i.e. boomboxes placed at strategic positions along the route. Much easier to take care of and with a bit of tweaking, it should be possible to have them play different tunes without any noticable interferrence. Or, if these are internet-connected devices: maybe even a synchronized "play" command would work well enough. I doubt that the internet around the hotel during EF is reliable enough to stream audio to multiple stations without dropped packets.


--- Quote from: Atkelar on 06.09.2014, 20:08:49 ---i.e. boomboxes placed at strategic positions along the route. Much easier to take care of and with a bit of tweaking
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Yeah sounds best. And it would even be testable [long] before the event (including volume setup etc.). Let's see what the team says and if there are more ideas. And sorry for the Disney compare.. don't blame me for enjoying them too much :P

It seems to me, there would still be a music licensing issue though. A subject which german law seems quite strict on.

As I understand it, you have to pay a license fee for every "stage" you want to play music at. So, is every location there's a boombox be a stage, in the sense of the law? Even if the entire parade is interpreted as one big "stage", the cost of licensing would still be prohibitive.


--- Quote from: DarkFoxDK on 07.09.2014, 01:04:05 ---It seems to me, there would still be a music licensing issue though. A subject which german law seems quite strict on.
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True, but this is all well regulated by law and not as expensive as we may think. For example: in a parade with live music, every band will accounted at a fixed price (about 26€). A street festival is accounted by area and most other events by no. of participants (starting from 1000). The law still is a pain in the ass, but well it's just part of event planning here in Germany.

There is a chance to play royalty-free music, too. For example nice free jazz music could work during the parade, while for the start/final gathering place the great marching combo from EF20 could rock ... err... jazz up... the masses (I think they were absolutely loud enough).

Cubitus ●●●●


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