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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Contacting Staff  (Read 16804 times)


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Contacting Staff
« on: 09.10.2014, 14:07:16 »

OK, I have been hesitant about posting this to the forum here as this is not a topic for open discussion, however I have been getting no reply to emails being sent to staff members.  I have sent messages to the following emails with no reply:
I am trying to get imformation regarding our registration packages, which I was told by Lowei that he would be able to mail these items to us after the convention, I have been trying to contact him since the 27th of Aug. and still have not recieved any reply.
Needing to get the packages for myself and my friend, the information was sent to each of the above email addresses at least once. Even a simple reply saying that you are working on this issue would be appreciated, with an aproximated time frame as to when you would be able to get these packages mailed out. It is very discomforting not getting any reply at all, makes one feel they are being ignored.



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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #1 on: 09.10.2014, 14:52:35 »

Is this regarding the sponsor gifts?

If yes, this has been answered before:,5817.0.html

If not, please be patient.
Could you explain what kind of 'registration packages' you are looking for?
Send me a PM and I could try and have a go to see what I can do for you.


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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #2 on: 09.10.2014, 16:46:11 »

...and please understand that after EF, most staff - especially core staff - are dead and need some time to recuperate, so it might take some time for them to reply.

It's not an ideal situation, for sure, but that comes with this being a nonprofit organisation where everybody has to work more than humanly possible (and beside a day job!) before and at the event to make it work at all. And this year it was worse than ever before with the huge jump in attendance and the new venue, both of which added a lot to the workload.
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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #3 on: 23.10.2014, 17:46:26 »

OK as Fineas had suggested, I had waited two weeks.  I have still not heard a word from any staff member regarding this issue.  It has now been 8 weeks since my first message to Loewi, with no reply.


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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #4 on: 24.10.2014, 01:06:03 »

The list of sponsors and supersponsors has been forwarded to the board at the end of the convention, and once we have a final tally of missing items and this year's budget, a second production run might be considered.

However please do understand that we will contact you at the appropriate time. Please do not e-mail us about that issue right now.
I will accept other opinions as long as you all accept that those opinions are wrong.

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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #5 on: 27.10.2014, 20:35:30 »

The list of sponsors and supersponsors has been forwarded to the board at the end of the convention, and once we have a final tally of missing items and this year's budget, a second production run might be considered.

However please do understand that we will contact you at the appropriate time. Please do not e-mail us about that issue right now.
...In other words: more waiting! Not so nice of you, EF...
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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #6 on: 27.10.2014, 23:40:51 »

My issue is not directly related to the missing items for sponsors and super sponsors, however my friend did register as a super sponsor and he would be interested in the missing item as well but mainly we are interested in  having our registration packages mailed to us.  If you are waiting to get this other item to add to the packages before mailing that is understandable, getting a reply from someone on this (my issue) to let us know what is being done however would be greatly appreciated, sending no reply what so ever is just rude.


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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #7 on: 28.10.2014, 00:16:09 »

[…] sending no reply what so ever is just rude.

I'm not involved with this directly, so I can't really help you, but again, please understand: Most of our staff let their private affairs lay undealt with for months before EF, as well as forgoing almost all vacation or "down time". They just need some time after the convention to catch up and get everything – no least of all themselves – sorted out again. Stuff just takes some time then. It's not ill will. We're just not a professional organisation, we're all volunteers. Personal life should really come first, despite that not being the case for months before the con. The few months afterwards is all many of us get, taking that from them would just make them burn out very quickly, and there wouldn't be an EF anymore. So please: stay patient.

Rest assured you won't be forgotten. It will all be worked on in due time. Right now, the people that are responsible for that probably just have their hands full with loads of other stuff.
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Re: Contacting Staff
« Reply #8 on: 28.10.2014, 00:35:50 »

Well said, Runo. As there is nothing to add at this point, I'm closing this thread now.
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Is perception genuine? Or does truth lie deep beneath the skin?
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