I know we have had DDR before. I have seen it in Maratim.
However I haven't see it last year:
http://www.eurofurence.org/EF20/events/track/Games%20|%20Social/index.en.htmlSo unless I didn't see it, if it was their in the first place it was an event not regulated by us.
However, if you want to (re)introduce the event, drop a line at programming and they will figure out the details for it with you.
Make sure that if you like this, you have a clear indication of how many people it will turn up and what the best setup is.
- You can make it a regular day time panel which runs for 45 min max (or when you need more chained slots), either pure fun "all can enter" or competitive (dance off).
- Or a continues night time panel where their is an open entry. However it is best that you have a lead (like Shaman does for the games corner) that regulates the event during this time and closes the room after people are done.
- A large stage event with a real dance off.
I'm just rattling off possibilities here.
What you want is up to you, what you get depends on popularity and availability.