Text-Bild-Schere! Die Kassette kommt zu spät!! 
Damn you caught me

I was kinda hoping I could sneak this by without anybody noticing

My problem was - this was the ONLY picture I had (or could reasonably create) that is related to the narration. The rest is just filler without any direct connection to the narration, it's just there to
somehow establish the location and the time. I originally had the tape appear at the appropriate moment in the monologue, but then I had the problem that once the narration and the picture stream connected, I couldn't go back to showing unrelated images. Once the connection is established you'd expect it to stay in context after that - and I had no material to do that. I tried a few alternatives (leaving it out completely, altering the text to mention the tape again at the very end), but the current version actually felt like the lesser evil. Then it was 4 in the morning, and I wanted the damned thing out