Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback 2015

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Registration : just perfect, fast & effective. Congrats to reg team. :)
Small improvement possible : the machine for punching holes in key cards should more easily accessible.

Opening Ceremony : nice music & intro video. I would love to see that ceremony as a start of a story (CFz did an amazing thing to make it less boring), board directors speeches can be boring sometimes. :/

80s dance : I had a very nice time there but I would love to hear more great classical songs from the 80s next time.
And please please don't put typical 90s songs (ie "I Like to Move It" - 1993) in your 80s set, it kills the entire mood/feeling of a 80s dance.

Dutch Angel Dragon meeting : I learnt a lot about the AD dragons there. It was very well conducted. Next time try to have offline PDF/HTML pages & videos because unfortunately the internet was crappy during the panel.

Fursuit photoshoot : great idea of this QR code receipt. Too bad you can't choose the exact hour & time. Definitely nicer setup than EF20 and the headshoot idea is nice too ! Keep up the good work !
To allow more people to get a pic, would it be possible to allow photographers access outside of the photoshoot time slots?

Breathing Life into Fursuiting : although it was his first time, Blastdav's panel was very interesting. Please make more of this !

Group Photo : maybe having clear instructions from a megaphone from the ground would help next time.

Fursuit group photo : not a very good time there. People were stuck in a massive queue at the door not able to move or to have space to breathe. :/  
I can't  imagine how it was hard for unexperimented suiters to wait at the entrance & then wait for the pic itself. The fursuit staff tried to provide fans to cool down the queue but it was not effective at all because of the massive & dense queue.
If the main stage is not totally ready yet, you should allow fursuiters to enter the room ASAP and make them wait in a corner of the main stage or make them wait in the fursuit lounge only (same procedure as the fursuit parade)

Dancing panel : please make more of this ! Great time there. ^^

Fursuit Parade : nice & very fast. ^^ Maybe you could offer a small waterproof FM radio + earpieces as a gift to Sponsors next year to fursuiters. ;)

Fureoke : great songs & nice memories there. There is a room to improve sound next year and maybe put the main screen further so it won't be blocked by singers.

Motorfurs meeting : nice cars there, too bad that the ground is dirty and in a very bad shape.

Enter the Arena : lot of good & different performances and no visible technical problems this year. Too bad it was nearly impossible to see the dancers. :/ Put the public on removable grandstands would help (I know it would take a lot of space and money too).

Closing ceremony : I loved the idea of that small film of the convention, very nice editing there. ^^ Having some feedback from the charity was very nice too. Let's make the number & stats things more shorter next time.

Big Blue Dance : well, I have to admit I never got into this. :/ Fortunately there was an alternative dance in the club.

Dead dog party : best dance for me. Congrats to the DJs. :)


Hotel : very nice place as always with an effective & nice staff. :)
I really hope that the hotel extension will have a swimming pool. ^^'

Dog permit : some of my friends were really pissed off to see that some VIPs & people from staff were allowed to bring their dogs (although they're not obviously guide dogs for blind people). They were missing their dog and they had to find a solution to find a place and someone to take care of it during the convention.

Bar : I know I'm in Germany but no cider of any kind at all ? :/

Beer Garden : lovely place to drink a beer especially on a hot summer night. ^^ The campfire is one of my favorite places. Congrats to the setup team !

Fursuit lounge : large mirrors in the entrance and digital clocks easily visible in room, large fans with benches & plenty of water (although I almost had no drink there) : perfect ! I was just missing "The Blade" from CFz & the fursuit lounge seems to be at 1 km from the lobby with damn stairs. ^^'
Fortunately the little Oasis was much closer to the lobby.
Main Stage : the light show (lasers & stuff) was amazing ! I just find the main stage very dark sometimes : especially during the fursuit friendly dance, it was not fursuit friendly at all. ^^'
I also did not felt very secure when this guy moving at high speed on a wheeled machine was filming very close to me and the other fursuiters.

The theme : the conbook, website & trailer videos were great but the only place I really felt a little bit the theme was the main stage. I really hope that next year more convention space will be used to display the theme.

Staff on wheels : for me, the real theme of EF21 was the song "They see me Rollin', they Hatin'" XD

EF Prime : good stuff there but problems sometimes on the stream.

Schedule : you should allow photoshoot organisers access to the EF smartphone app (with a special tab) & EF schedule on screens/EF Prime.

Dealers' Den : I had the feeling it was lacking of space and  the Art show had too much of it. Maybe space could be gained by reducing the space between the Main stage and the artshow itselft (aka the queue room to Main Stage).

Fursuit mobile water service : very nice idea ! Please keep it next year !


--- Quote from: djem on 25.08.2015, 13:42:29 ---Maybee having a second stage for photo to double the amount of people able to take part would help a lot ?
--- End quote ---

I guess many people would like that, but we'd need:

* a room (the Photoshoot requires a high ceiling for the light trussing) - this is fairly difficult since at the moment the Photoshoot blocks part of the Art Show already
* a team (or several, to double the working times) - photographers with skills and willing to dedicate their time
* the equipment (to be used in parallel)
I wouldn't even dare to guess what's hardest to come by.

me again,

I forgot (and probably have forgotten even more :/) the water porters! You are the real MVPs! Thank you for that service!!

on the photoshoot: let's face it: there were ~1k suiters ... 6-10shoots can be handled per hour ... there are 3 days @ 8hrs each ... do the maths, folks, bearing in mind that the photo team is no less than heroic but also wants to see the con from another angle than a 50mm lens ...


EF21 was my second EF and it was pretty fun this year as well ! I'm still very new to furrycons so it wasn't as exciting this year as it was last year, with my very first con ever. But I still had tons of fun and will return next year ! Sorry if this ends up being super long !

The good stuff:
- Hotel check in/check out was quite easy again, had to wait about 15 minutes to check out because of the long queue at 12pm but I was in no hurry so I didn't mind it much. The room card had a cool design on it too
- Stage events were on time or had very minimal delays
- Breakfast <3 Even tho they were always out of shredded wheat when I got to the breakfast (only got to eat them once, I guess I just need to go eat earlier ^^)
- Fursuit lounge was nice and roomy, even tho it was more farther away from the lobby than last year, it was easy enough to get to for me
- Registration was fast and easy even when I got my badge on Wednesday instead of Tuesday when I actually arrived. Got my fursuit badge very quickly as well, even tho it had to be made on-site due me not getting a pic of my suit in time (I had to finish the head in my room on Tuesday lol...)
- Security guys with water supply was such a good thing to have, seriously every time I started to feel tired/thirsty, there was a person with water supply almost sprinting over to me asking if I needed water ! Thank you so much, you guys seriously made suiting so much easier when I couldn't get to the lounge !
- Dealers den was great again, even tho I was sad that Soapasaurus had to cancel in the last minute. But thanks to that artist who had Steven Universe themed stickers on sale, I forgot to pick up your business card but my girlfriend and I loved the stickers !
- Dance competition was great, it was fun to attend again
- Art show was great as well, I forgot to check it out last year and now I have a huge urge to make something for next year !
- All the dances were lots of fun, even tho I didn't attend Fursuit Friendly Dance at all (I was supposed to but I got tired that evening and just went into my room and watched it over EF Prime ^^')

The okay-ish stuff:
- Not a big thing, but it bothered me that the water in the fursuit lounge was a lot of times more room temperature than actually cold. But that is just a small nitpick and it happened to be like that only couple times when I were in the lounge, and I visited it a lot
- My room card worked once, when we got to our room I was able to open it but after that, it never worked. But as my room mate who was with me 100% of the time had a working card so I didn't feel the need to go ask for a new card (if I was alone or with some other friend etc, I would have gotten new one right away of course)
- The motorfurs meet place's ground was in very bad condition and I kept almost falling over when I visited it in my suit... I know con staff won't be able to do much about it but decided to mentoin it
- EF Prime was good but it was spazzing out sometimes, but I see it has been discussed about already here ^^ But the playlist or whatever for the videos seemed to have very few different videos, as I would see the same ones all the time (I don't mind but seeing the same video three times in one hour was kinda annoying)

The bad stuff:
- This is the only thing about the con itself that I was feeling very uncomfortable about: My friend has a stalker who was an attendee. Me and my roommate told him to back off as he was getting bit too touchy-feely and told that we would report him to the security if he didn't stop and then he left our friend alone, we never really got his badge number or name as we wanted to report him anyway but he seemed to be harmless after that. But still it left me bit bothered, my fault that I didn't get to report him but next time if there's someone like this, I will report them right away or as soon as I can. And my friend is still happy to come again next year so it didn't hinder her con experience.

The stuff that was awful but had nothing to do with the con (= I fricked up stuff by myself lmao):
- I lost my passport on Tuesday and had a panic attack because of it. Gladly it was in the Tegel airport's lost and found in the end, but it was awful :'D So I wasn't able to get my registration on the early-arrival day + I spent the whole day panicking and standing in the luggage tracking/lost and found queue lmao. I'll be more careful next time haha

Other than that, trying to get over PCD and waiting anxiously for next year ! ^^

Kuuto Fox:
I loved the con, this was my first furry convention yet, and I'm real sad it ended so soon!
My favorite thing besides the fursuiters and all the lovely art was the variety of panels and how well they were spread out! They made time fly even more.
If I could ask for one thing with the next con, I'd REALLY like a panel or something dedicated to just finding some people to go around the con with. I really wish I could've made more friends, however being as shy as I am, it's a huge challenge for me to get a buddy or two to hang out with short of flat out saying "be my friend!".
I feel like I couldve enjoyed the con so much more if I HAD found a few furs to hang around with, and I think a meet n greet panel would be great to help out those new and quiet furs who are in a similar situation.


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