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Feedback 2015

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Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: Honigeintopf on 26.08.2015, 14:49:19 ---Staff-members sitting there will do their best to help you (This means less work for you ;))

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I know, but poor KingSimba who was at conop at that time had no idea there was stuff in the secop room (I know you did your best :), sorry to have annoyed you), I only found out where it was because I asked the people in the secop room a second time to look for any out-of-place plastic bags. apparently even people there didnt know there was lost&found being deposited there nor if there was a place in the room specifically for that.

Most has already been mentioned, there were just a couple of (small) things that I wanted to add.

-Lanyards: Would it be possible to get lanyards with break away buckles? This would really simplify putting on my badge while in fursuit. I could use my own but these obviously aren't official EF attendee/sponsor colored lanyards.

-Themed decoration: Last year we had the police car, the crime scenes around the hotel and several other things that delivered the feeling of the theme. I really missed that this year.

-Fursuit group photo: Probably has been covered already but this was my main concern. Even though they put out fans and watersuppliers at some point I think it was better if the Main Stage would have just opened and you had us wait in the back of the hall where there was more space and ample seating. This wait was just way too long and up front where I was it was almost impossible to get out. Dangerous situation in my opinion. Please also communicate better with the crowd, what is causing the delay and how you want us to set up for the photograph, use the microphones from the stage?

-Trash cans near the entrance: Trash cans on all the floors was an excellent idea! The hotel should also consider putting one or two in front near the hotel entrance. The small cigarette disposals quickly overfilled with bottles etc. Meaning that a lot of glass was put on the ground or on the ledges. I sometimes removed bottles because I was afraid people would knock them over and they would fall down on somebody. I think larger trash cans would help fight this problem.

Other than that the con went very smoothly! The suiter lounge was excellent and the general layout of the convention was well thought over. Seperating the Dealers Den from the Art Show and the Fursuit Photoshoot was a good choice. The second bar near the Open Stage was a blessing and really reduced waiting lines for drinks.  I had a wonderful time at EF, thank you staff for making it all happen!

Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: Carbine on 26.08.2015, 15:11:36 ---The second bar near the Open Stage was a blessing and really reduced waiting lines for drinks.

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ah yes, I forgot about that, it was really nice to have a bar near the dances, to get some refreshing drink without having to walk all the way to the main lobby,
excellent idea

I'm usually a quiet person, so just a few things to mention.
This year, the theme of the con wasn't really prominent. There was almost no decoration, just the banners in the lobby (which were awesome) and the large panel between registration and rotunda. The way between the hotel area and the conventionspace felt a bit like entering a new world, it was too empty.
The dealers den needs way more space. ;)
At the opening ceremony, the sound at the main stage was kinda bad. A bit too much bass sometimes, and the way too present midrange really did hurt my ears. But I guess it's impossible to find that out at the soundcheck when the hall is empty. So we might need about 1k volunteers next time to fill it up first. ;D
The room for our inflatables panel on Saturday was very nice, we did get a lot of attention because of the glass wall to the hallway. And thanks for LuckyEsel from ConOps to let me in way earlier to start prepairing the toys. It was almost 8 hours of fun there.
Not so nice was, that the room for the plushie panel was used for the snack exchange before and they didn't clean up! So we stood there with our plushies in hand and had to wait for the staff to vacuum the floor and clean the tables. Not to mention the nasty smell.

The hotel staff was very friendly and helpful. But their house keeping needs improvement. It was kinda annoying that they constantly came over to check things. Even worse, that the maids mostly can't speak/understand german or even english. When you have things in your room that you don't want to have been moved/touched, they simply don't get what you want.
A bathroom fan that instantly switches off when you turn off the light is a big fail!
And their shower gel must have an ingredient that causes some kind of allergic reaction. My head started itching after using it, it was almost unbearable.
They need a big pool!!! :P (But spending 24 hours at Tropical Island after EF pretty much made up for that)
The breakfast was awesome again.

Can't wait for next year.

Ralphie Raccoon:

--- Quote from: Mystifur on 26.08.2015, 13:15:04 ---Hi and thanks for the feedback.

Paw Dryers: Your Math is wrong ;) Technically we'd need 4 times the number of paw dryers to the number of head dryers. As every head head usually comes with 4 paws. ;-)
But seriuously, the lounge has been growing and work-in-progress for the last 11 years. Had you come last year, you'd only seen have the amount of head dryers. We had some budget to build more, and we deemed dry heads more important than dry paws. Next year, something else will get some money and improve.

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No problem. Thanks for the reply.

Well yes, ideally that would be the case, but I don't think there would be room! :) So an equal number of tables seems like a more realistic proposition.

--- Quote from: Mystifur on 26.08.2015, 13:15:04 ---- We decided against public access to the ice cubes for 3 reasons:
1) You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get enough ice as it is, because for some reason the hotel also wants it for their cocktails ;)
2) Suiters will fill their cups with ice, drink some, and then throw the cups with left over ice into the bin. ..where it starts to melt and gives us this lovely watery mess to clean out.
3) Health/Hygiene issues. 500 sweaty fuzzy fursuiter paws/hands rummaging through the ice that others are going to consume is a no-go. :)

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1. Well, I guess that's a logistics issue really, you could try bringing in your own ice (or ice machine), but I wouldn't know how difficult that would be so I can't really comment.
2. Encouraging suiters to empty any ice left into the buckets beneath the coolers would probably help solve that issue.
3. That's why man invented tongs ;)

Oh and just on a more positive comment, I thought the signage in the lounge was very well made and instructional, especially the heat exhaustion poster. More stuff like that would be great! :)


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