Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback 2015

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The first thing I want to mention about EF21 is: it was AWESOME!
I really liked the fursuit photoshoot setup with all the decorations, the seperate entrance to the Art Show was a great idea (as much as I like the Dealer's Den, it somehow freaked me out to press through the crowd before the stands when wanting to enter the Art Show, so this year it was a great improvement) and the fursuit lounge was just huge, so that I could always find a spot for myself to cool down. Since the walking ways from the lobby to the fursuit lounge were so far, it was an awesome idea to set up the "Little Oasis" in between. I used this quite often and hope to see it again next year. :) And the open stage and chillout-lounge with the bar were awesome, too! I think you made good use of the additonal space you've got there. I don't want to miss this for next year.
My absolute highlight though was the Big Blue Dance! There has been so much space to dance this year and I enjoyed the music setup very much! Also the lasers were really nice and the two big fans made it possible to dance in fursuit for a very long time since I could cool off in between without having to go to the fursuit lounge.
I also enjoyed the Fursuit Dance Competition and the Art Show. I liked it how much room to walk there was between the panel setups.

There are only a few things that bothered me a bit.
First, as mentioned before, I was a bit sad about the issues with EF Prime in my hotel room in wing 3. I like to relax after some shows and dances and watch the dances going on from my room, but sadly this was not possible this year. I'm looking forward to next year though and hope you can resolve this issues. :)
Second, the air conditioning in our room in wing 3, 6th floor did not work properly: on the first and second day it did not work at all, we complained about six times at the reception and there were several technicians at our room and finally on saturday afternoon/evening it worked as it should. I wish this could have been solved earlier because it was a pain to exit the elevator in 6th floor in fursuit and immediately walking against a wall of hot air which was even hotter in our room.
Third, I really missed some decorations fitting this year's theme, the decorations were really scarce. Only during the fursuit photoshoot I really felt like being in the greenhouse world scenario because of the numerous props they've used there. Ok, I have to admit that I felt like being in a greenhouse all the time in the lobby because of the hot and humid climate below the glass roof ::) but that was not quite what I expected. ;)

The last thing that bothered me a bit was the charity auction (as multiply stated before). I don't quite like it that there is so much time planned for the regular art auction, which is indeed mainly for the personal profit of the artists, while the charity part seems to play only a minor role. I missed an information about the charity percentage of the pieces in the regular art auction, please consider to display this also on the screen next time. I kind of like it how Confuzzled manages the art auction, so that every piece that enters the auction automatically gets a ten percent charity on it (if I remember that one right). In order to have more time for the charity auction, how about putting the number of bids until a piece enters the art auction even higher? That would certainly reduce the regular art pieces in the auction and give more time to charity. I think that would put the emphasis of the auction more in a charity direction than in a personal profit direction. Personally I think a higher emphasis on charity would capture the spirit of the furry fandom better, putting the generosity of the community in the foreground.

I'm looking forward to EF22 because after all, I just love the con and the people who make this possible every year. :) You do a great job and I was enjoying every single EF I attended so far (from EF16 until today). I appreciate all the improvements you have made since then! Thank you for giving me a good time year after year. ;D


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 26.08.2015, 19:14:46 ---
--- Quote from: Carbine on 26.08.2015, 15:11:36 ----Lanyards: Would it be possible to get lanyards with break away buckles? This would really simplify putting on my badge while in fursuit. I could use my own but these obviously aren't official EF attendee/sponsor colored lanyards.

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Just as a note - we had this for one year, and we got a flood of complaints that it was now far too easy to lose your badge - I guess you can't have the cake and eat it too :)

--- End quote ---

Alright I was unaware this had undergone trials before! Makes sense!


--- Quote from: Joleii on 27.08.2015, 12:04:37 ---I missed an information about the charity percentage of the pieces in the regular art auction, please consider to display this also on the screen next time.
--- End quote ---

We're already working on that  :)

I don't have much to add to whats already been said, but here's some items:

At one point during the convention I accompanied a friend to get a medical check. ConOps was closed but locating a member of security wad easy and we were quickly guided into the ConSec room where the medics were quick at hand with heart and blood pressure monitoring. So I'm very happy with the effectiveness and the technical stuff. The thing I'd like to make a minor complaint about was how they spoke quickly and urgently between themselves in German. I understand the need for quick and effective communication in such a situation, but for the person being ill was very uncomfortable and made him very stressed. More communication in english, and some more effort to calm down the patient would be nice, as this turned out to most likely be stress related after we spent a few hours in the hospital.

The bag storage service was great, I loved the option to drop my bag there when visiting the Art Show, also nice when going to the Dealers Den where there's usually quite crowded.

Force a strict 10 euro minimum increase no matter the starting cost in the auction to speed it up. Also encourage people to not wait until the "going twice" to bid, sometimes it felt like people did it just for fun.

I had almost only positive experiences with hotel staff, and only one I feel like mentioning. At the Biergarden BBQ the food was really good, and the price was good, but the service... The two cooks who stood there were not welcoming. The sign made it look like you could choose one meat item, but it was apprently two. But now free choice, and if you asked for something wrong, or tried to take something wrong you got yelled at. Sometimes they would also just give you something and the get mad at you if it wasn't what you wanted.

The lobby bar had some really good baguettes, but the service was very formal. I'd prefer to order and pay right away, but the waiter insisted on table service, and a proper bill delivered at the table. Nice and fancy, but very time consuming when you just want a quick bite and a soda between events.

EFprime is nice, but I'd like to see more fandom productions like the Country song video from AntroCon rather than various anthro related adds and YouTube videos (not counting the animated shorts, they're a nice part of it)
Also seems people complain about programming, while I don't watch much EFprime it seemed to me the already mentioned AC video, the flying dog animation, some Disney mash-up and the werewolf short aired very often.


--- Quote from: Leophan on 27.08.2015, 14:53:53 ---EFprime is nice, but I'd like to see more fandom productions like the Country song video from AntroCon rather than various anthro related adds and YouTube videos (not counting the animated shorts, they're a nice part of it)
Also seems people complain about programming, while I don't watch much EFprime it seemed to me the already mentioned AC video, the flying dog animation, some Disney mash-up and the werewolf short aired very often.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for your feedback. It is very much appreciated.

In several tweets we asked for people to send us furry-related (youtube)videos. The ones you mentioned where not among those we received.
If you could link us to the mentioned videos we would be happy to add them to our next-years program! :)


(You can mail the links to, send us a DM on Twitter (@EF_Prime) or send me a note on the forum)


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