Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback 2015

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Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: Leophan on 27.08.2015, 14:53:53 ---Force a strict 10 euro minimum increase no matter the starting cost in the auction to speed it up. Also encourage people to not wait until the "going twice" to bid, sometimes it felt like people did it just for fun.

--- End quote ---

auctions are by nature very volatile,
for example, last year a vast majority of the auction went to the bidsheet winner, saving lots of time.
this years, only 2 or 3 went to the bidsheet, all the other were fought, and there was quite a lot of them, hence taking a lot more time.
fixing in a limited timeframe something that can take half or twice that time is not going to work, whatever what is tried.

forcing a 10€ increment may save some time, but may also deter people from biding at all.
a lot of pieces are going away at relatively low prices, because people have limited amount at disposal, and these people would not go into the fight if you force a min amount from the start.
but Uncle Kage manages that well already by doing it by steps, he just tends to need one or two annoying bidder to warm up :D

I think this wasn't mentioned before, so I'd just like to say thank you for the designated "unisex" toilet! As a trans-gendered attendant, I was really happy about that. :D

It was an really nice convention!! so thank you so much for make it real! All the stuff ppls /securitys thanks to all of them!

We had so much fun > i have an hard PCD now but looking forward to the next year.. we will be there! ^-^

. ah before i forget.. this fursuit photoshoot set up > detailed decorations was total awesome!. its my 3rd. Eurofurence i had visit.. and this one was the absolutely adorable :D  the best of all!

So the suiterlounge had enough place for cooling down, was very good. But an bit too cold i found..

The next great thing > the spotters were was walking around and asking the suiter about theyre need water.. total comfy, much fursuiters was very happy about this help !  :D 

THX so much!

Just to follow up on some comments:

More time for the charity auction: I think we might go back to the old system of assigning a fixed timeslot for the charity auction, so there is more time for it no matter how many items there are in the general auction, but it is something we will have to look into in terms of consequences for programming and other stuff

The otter seemed nervous: I can 100% guarantee that the otter was not harmed, we would NEVER do that. In the end I am not an expert so I trust what the professionals from the charity say. He was a lot more calm and playful on day 2, but the first day they had to drive at 4 in the morning, so he was just tired and like babies they react by making a lot of noise and being unruly. But no harm at all was done, and he was with his "mummy" all the time in a safe environment. That said, I think the poster had a good point in the way that we will recomsider the format for the photo shoot. Maybe we can do even more to make it a nice experience, we will have to think about that.

Grouping items: I refer to what I said earlier. We will have a meeting and discuss how donations are handled in general. I make no promises for what the outcomes will be, but I can promise that they will jhave been discussed through and there will be reasons for whatever we decide. And everyone will be told in the future what the terms are. We already tell people, but we can do even more to spread the information and we will.

Lastly, I hope everyone remembers that we all have the very best of intentions and we just want to help out suffering animals. I'm sure we make mistakes and I know we improve a lot of things every year (which is how we got to where we are today) and we will continue to do so. We thank you for the feedback given to us, and I want you all to know that I'm reading it and taking notice. Let's try to do what we can to keep this amazing, awesome side of the fandom running. I'm so impressed with all of you, and how generous you all are. Thank you all for that! It makes me proud to be a furry.

*hugs to everyone*

Alrighty.. most things already mentioned.. in short... AWESOME CON!

A few details anyway:
* Absolutely smooth checkin/checkout/Estrel_elevator/breakfast, very nice - lot of detail improvements
* Overall, much more relaxed staff and Con, also much better organized - way to go!
* Very nice medical help when my partner needed it - much appreciated!
* Chairman turning into Bikeman.. so much envy :D
* EF-Prime broke a few times in Wing 2, but was quickly fixed, thx for the program, I'm sure that was a hell of a work for all the clips
* Bar outside mainstage: keep it! Too bad they had only limited drinks - this lion runs on whisky-cola :P
* Too bad Kalte Muschi ran out early.. again.. need even more
* Alternative hardstyle/hardcore dance: keep it! it was really nice to bounce back and forth between the dances and styles, did that till the early morning =)
* Lasers/lighting: absolutely awesome, much more than I expected considering German regulations and prices. Would be nice to be dimmed for video-screen clips though
* Enter the arena: good show but couldn't see much from 5th row, unfortunately hard to solve. Maybe alternate seating rows? Or show on video screen?
* Background work/helpers: I really wish there was as video for that (buildup/teardown/behind the scenes) - like a "How to Con". So much work went into so many things, and only when looking a bit behind the scenes, you became aware what immense effort goes into this Con. Will definitely be sponsor next time, but having that as a clip (BBF?) might move other folks to be that too. Props to all the helpers!

Thx for the great time!


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