Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Daily EF Feedback? (EF21)

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Dear attendees

We were very happy that again, many of you read and collected copies of our humble newsletter. Watching 1000 copies disappear every day within a few hours made the sometimes long and late hours at the newsroom really feel worthwhile.

Still, we'd like to learn and improve. So please feel welcome to leave any kind of feedback about the Daily EF in this thread.

Anything you particularly liked?
Anything that really got on your nerves?
Anything that we missed writing about and definitely should cover next time? :3

By the way, if you missed a copy or if you'd simply like to have digital versions, PDFs of all Daily issues ever printed are online at

I already picked my digital copies up since I missed halve the convention and was far to busy to worry about getting the whole set on site.
Thanks to the closing I learned where to get them \o/

The Daily EF is for me some kind of morning lecture on consite. having breakfast and reading the new Issue really brings some good mood. The only suggestion i would have is that some Standees are very fast emptied while other aren't recognized. For example the one next to the Dealers Den was always full when I needed another Issue while the one in the Lobby got raided 10 minutes after every new restocking. Please fill the lobby more often or take less to the Dealers Den but more to the Lobby if you are at the Printing limits.

i really enjoyed reading the daily eurofurence and i have no idea about how it could be improved. so keep up the great work.

i just want to mention one article i really, really enjoyed. it was "Endangered Species?" from Akeela. Akeela, this article is a masterpiece.


I liked the articles.

What I didn't like this year was the comics. Fursuit sex in public and bomb vests are just not my kind of humour.


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