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Official Group Photos are done!

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Thank you for those group photos, they turned out great, especially the parade group  :)

Thanks for taking the time to do these!


--- Quote from: Atkelar on 31.08.2015, 21:31:12 ---Thanks!

Any higher with the camera and I'd have taken a nice picture of a light fixture which were mounted up there... we also know about the megaphone issue: it was by far not loud enough to cover the distance "to earth". We need to get something better for next year... maybe a megaphone attached to a radio? Hmmm... I'm actually more concerned with how few people showed up. That's less than a third of the attendees.

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The reason I and my group arent on there is cuz we couldnt find the set time anywhere ( we didnt search either ) maybe just announce it with flyers aswell? Or I dunno :/


--- Quote from: Aysel on 01.09.2015, 16:10:56 ---The reason I and my group arent on there is cuz we couldnt find the set time anywhere ( we didnt search either ) maybe just announce it with flyers aswell? Or I dunno :/

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That's why you get a conbook at registration. Or use the EF app. ;)

Hey, I love it how the outdoor Fursuit group picture turned out. :)
Concerning the indoor photoshoot - could you maybe next time consider not to tell anyone to lift their paws for the photo? This is the reason why I am not visible on the picture, although I'm standing in the second front row exactly in the middle. The black cat's paw covers my entire face and although I tried to talk to him/her several times, the person showed no reaction. So it would be helpful if you could advertise the people to hold their paws down, at least not so high that other's heads get covered.
This makes me really sad, because it was very exhausting to wait for so long for the picture and then see that someone ruthlessly blocks your entire head on the photo. As I said, I tried to talk to that person several times during the photoshoot, but he or she just ignored me.
As a small person it's hard to get a good spot on such a photo for me and I was so happy I managed to get to the front and even could stand next to Drachetto (same for the Confuzzled 2015 group photo :3) and it's kind of bitter now because that big black paw covers my face. :/


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