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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Waiting times for volunteer applications  (Read 10364 times)


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Waiting times for volunteer applications
« on: 08.10.2015, 14:04:35 »

Hello there,

about 4 weeks ago, I read an announcement by the security team, in which they stated that they were searching for volunteers. I sent my application and received a reply, in which I was asked fro patience, as the de-briefing process was still going on. That is of course perfectly fine, and not a problem in any way. However, the original wording was "Please give us a few more days", and those few days have been over a month by now. So, I'd love to know whether I am still on the waiting list and just have to be patient, or if my application might have gone missing in the system.
Again, I really don't want to put anyone in a hurry. I am perfectly fine with waiting however long it may take, and I know that dealing with all those mails probably takes some time. I just want to make sure that there actually is something that I'm waiting for.

Dhary Montecore

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Re: Waiting times for volunteer applications
« Reply #1 on: 08.10.2015, 14:25:51 »

Hi Vaulz!

No, your application hasn't been lost. The issue is that after each convention it takes a few weeks for the staff to unwind and sometimes if a con was really stressy many don't want to work on/think about con related stuff for a while. Of course that is not meant as an excuse, just as an explanation. All staff members at EF are unpaid volunteers with a private life after all. :3

Right now we're in the process of restructuring our team as this years convention brought some new developments we need to adapt to and on top of that we have a large number of new applicants. Unfortunately that also means that we can't begin the application process formally yet, but your application didn't get lost.

If you want to we can have a talk tonight or in the next days already so most of your questions can be answered already. :3


  • Convention Security Operative
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Re: Waiting times for volunteer applications
« Reply #2 on: 09.10.2015, 09:23:05 »

Thank you for the quick response and your offer. But the information that everything is still on it's way was all that I wanted to know. As I said, waiting is not a problem at all, and you guys should take all the time that you need.

I don't think that any additional conversation would be necessary. Not that I don't want to talk to you, I just simply have no further questions at the moment, so I don't see a need for it ;)

So, again: Thank you for your help, and also for the generally great work that you guys do. I hope that I'll be able to contribute my own part at some point.
« Last Edit: 09.10.2015, 09:41:02 by Vaulz »
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