How about one of the suggestions we had for EF13?
I found these ones (and commented some of them):
Link:,18.60.html* Pirates
* Ninja
* Chuck Norris and Sharks with friggin' lasers on their forheads! (We all love you cheetah!)
* a beach theme
* Cowboys and indians (native americans?)
* ("EF 13 -) A ghost story"
* follow-up to EF9: after "cunning little vixens", we could have "tied-up little wolves" (or foxes, if you prefer) <- not my fault, I just copied and pasted it!
* Furry Inquisition / Furry Inquisition Agency (I wonder how the inhabitants from suhl would react...)
* something with "horror"
* How about a Weebl & Bob theme? Then we could have NINJA PIRATES! And donkeys, too, so there'd even be a furry connection. (not mine idea either, it was a suggestion from Schneelocke)
Of course, there are reasons why none of these topics were collected, but this time we don't have a special number, well, as far as I know.
My personal suggestion would be something mysterious. For some furs this furry stuff is still connected with ghosts, some "higher level", totems and so on after all.
I don't know if this wouldn't be something like we already had, you know, this "Songs of the old Ages" stuff. I just had this cloud around our hotel in mind.

The thuringian forest looked really strange with all this fog..