Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Hotel Room Situation: Idea for improvement

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We are going to change how hotel room reservations are handled next year. The one thing we can't change is that demand is a lot higher than supply. We can however make sure everyone gets the same chance :) There will be a separate announcement soon.

Concerning the waiting list - we had about 300 people on the waiting list this year, and believe it or not, all of them were eventually served. The number of short-term cancellations is quite high.


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 01.09.2016, 10:19:22 ---We are going to change how hotel room reservations are handled next year. The one thing we can't change is that demand is a lot higher than supply. We can however make sure everyone gets the same chance :) There will be a separate announcement soon.

--- End quote ---

Thats sounds great!!  Das hört sich wirklich gut an!!  :)
I think you can do it. Ich denke ihr schafft das.^^ :)

Das Reiche-Leute Geblubber ist (in diesem Fall) faktisch Bullshit!
Die Portale sind für jedermann zu erreichen und, mit Glück, sogar günstiger als der EF-Tarif.

Morkais idea isn't too bad, IMHO. Lots of ppl. will book their own rooms directly and then think about a roommate - instead of doing that before.
Kuschelbär e.g. has been called shortly before EF, that there are free rooms available now - so the waiting list wasn't/isn't for nuts, it's just a bit tricky to plan in andvance.


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